A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Have you ever....

As a child, you do things without giving them a whole lot of thought.  Things that give you great joy,  but you wouldn't do them now, because, "What would people think?"

If we are bold enough, we should try these sometimes as an adult....and don't worry, you won't get hurt.

Have you ever (as an adult):

-Walked barefoot in the rain?

-Ate watermelon on the porch and spit the seeds?

-Skipped to the mailbox?

-Dressed up a dog or cat?

-Drank something out of the pitcher in the refrigerator and put it back?

-Drawn a picture for you spouse, child or parent and put it on the refrigerator?

-Made a macaroni necklace?

-Tried lying in the grass and looking at cloud shapes?

-Sung loud to to the radio or cd in your car with the windows down?

-Ridden over a bumpy road or a bridge while singing one note, just to hear the funny sound?

--Knelt down and said your prayers like you did back then?

Things to ponder, I think I will try one or two this week..just because!

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