A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How does a porch swing = Forever?

Okay, I have put it off long enough, I have to blog about you now, honey.

There you were, opposite of everything I was. You were quiet, I was boisterous (bordering on obnoxious),  you were shy, me, not so much.  I was a PE major, you were a criminal justice major.  You came to class everyday, prepared and ready. I didn't always come to class, and whether or not I was ready was always a gamble.  But from the first time I met you, your smile touched my heart.  Your head tilted to the side and gave me a smile that I knew meant more than any other smile.

Then there was that barn dance in Clio.  I knew it wasn't me you were looking for, but always up for a challenge, I bugged you  until you noticed me. I am glad you didn't run away (me being a PE major and all, I would have caught you!!), I am even more glad you looked my way, too.  And the rest, they say is history!

The night we first talked about marriage, the picture was us growing old, sitting on a porch swing, playing with children and grandchildren and looking at our lives from a porch swing. I was in love, it sounded romantic....

The swing moves once; we have said "I do." We are newlyweds, loving each other and finding our way as a couple.

It swings again- we realize what commitment and dedication to each other are when the Lord calls our first baby home and we cry the tears of the brokenhearted alone together.

It swings again-we are blessed beyond measure with children to swing and to watch play, we learn that life is bigger than just us and we need to step up and get ready to work!

It swings again- we learn about hard times when our house floods and nearly floats down the Flint river.  You taught me to laugh in hard times and to press in to Jesus and to you.

It swings again- We are called to something way bigger than us.  You taught me that saying "yes" to God means saying "goodbye" to the life we thought was so great. That it also meant saying "hello" to an even bigger adventure.  Again, we smile and laugh through the tears.

It swings again- a graduation, a wedding, a baby--that grandbaby to watch from the swing.  Now it hits me, this is what you saw all those years ago.

It swings again-more graduations, more weddings, one day more babies to watch from the swing,

It swings again-it is a quiet evening, I watch us swing, a little greyer, the swing moves a little slower under our extra pounds, but my heart still beats faster when you sit near me. We smell the gardenias, we watch the sunset, and I get it.  A porch swing really does = forever.

I love you, Honey!


  1. Heather,

    You are a gifted writer and this should be published. I LOVE your swing/pendulum parallel! I could actually see this taking place. When you can get a reader to do that, then you have moved mountains in the writer's realm. Keep it up. You already have a fan in me. :) I wish the very best for you and Marty as you "swing" into your next adventure. God bless!
    Carol Skipper

  2. This is from Sean (and Jen too). Your story is inspiring and your lives are a truly honoring to God. It is evident that you both have allowed the hand of God to push your swing. Every young couple starting out should begin their journey with a porch swing... we have a similar story only ours dream was to one day share our life on front porch rockers; we finally got them this year at 40!
    Bless you friends. We love you.

  3. Oh, if only, we could get more of your writing! I've always loved reading your Sweet Tea, Sunshine and Sayings. Happy Anniversary! Even if you wrote this 10 years ago.
