A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A new day

I wonder how I would have been if I had been one of the women going to the tomb to annoint Jesus body this morning?

I think I would have been one of the angry ones wondering who took him and why???
I would have looked for the sinister, not the holy. I don't know if I could have comprehended what had happened.

I can only imagine how Mary felt when He said, "Woman, why are you weeping?"
She probably thought, "who are you? leave me alone,". She didn't get it until she saw His glorious face.

I would have been Thomas, "Let me touch your hands."  And He would have been patient enough to let me.

How gracious our Lord is in our unbelief.  He loved us enough to suffer and die for us, He loved us enough to allow us to question his sacrifice. He loves us enough to wait until we "get it."  Until we look at ourselves in all our weakness and imperfection and know that one so perfect loved us enough to do what He did for us, we can't fathom that kind of love.  When we do, we truly know the meaning of A NEW DAY!


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