A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Monday, July 30, 2012

You're killing me, Smalls!

 I heard this the other night;  "You're killin' me, Smalls!" , and I just died laughing.
There are those lines from movies over the years that convey a message much better than I ever could!  That line is of course from the movie, "The Sandlot". a move we must have watched at least 100 times when our boys were at home.  Smalls just can't get it right, and his friends are finally fed up and use that line!   I know you all have your favorites.  Here are some of mine, oh and there can be multiple lines from the same movie:

From "The Sandlot"...

-"You're killin' me Smalls"
-"Man, this is baseball. You gotta stop thinking. Just have fun. I mean, if you were having fun you would've caught that ball."
-"If you'da been thinkin you wouldn't 'a thought that"
-"Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong."
-"Let me tell you something kid; Everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either because they're too scared, or they don't recognize it when it spits on their shoes."

-[Smalls has lost a baseball signed by Babe Ruth] " I take it back. You're not in trouble, you're dead where you stand."

From the "Princess Bride"...

-"Hello Lady"
-"...As you wish"
-"Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.
 What's that?  Go through his clothes and look for loose change"-"Why won't my arms move?  You've been mostly-dead all day."
-"My Westley will come for me."
-"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
-"Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe"
-"Death can not stop true love.  All it can do is delay it for a while."
The Impressive Clergyman:"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...
The Impressive Clergyman: And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...
The Impressive Clergyman: So tweasure your wuv.
Prince Humperdinck: Skip to the end.
The Impressive Clergyman: Have you the wing?
The Impressive Clergyman: ...and do you,Pwincess Buwwercup...
Prince Humperdinck: Man and wife. Say man and wife.
The Impressive Clergyman: Man an' wife.

From "The Jerk"..

"All I need is this Thermos...Just this thermos...this chair.. and this lamp..."
"The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here!  I AM somebody! The new phone books are here!"
-You're a Cosmetologist? It must be tough to deal with all that weightlessness."

From "Steel Magnolias"...

"There's so much static electricity in this room, I pick up everything but boys and money."

"the nicest thing I can say about her is that all her tattoos are spelled correctly"
."I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special."

"Remember what Daddy always says - an ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure!"
"What's the matter with you, M'Lynn, You have a reindeer up your butt?"
"Don't try to get on my good side, Truvy. I no longer have one!"
"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize!"
"I have a strict policy that nobody cries alone in my presence."
"Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair."
"In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight"
"Honey, time marches on and eventually you realize it is marchin' across your face."

From "Sweet Home Alabama"

-" Honey, just cuz I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid."
-"You expect me to tell you look good? What, did they run out of soap at the Piggly Wiggly since I left?"
-"The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back.'
-"What do you want to be married to me for, anyhow? So I can kiss you anytime I want."

From "It's A Wonderful Life"

-"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
-"You call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids?"
-"Bread... that this house may never know hunger.  Salt... that life may always have flavor.  
And wine... that joy and prosperity may reign forever. Enter the Martini Castle."
-"Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings."
-" I been savin' this money for a divorce, if ever I got a husband."
-"Boys and girls and music. Why do they need gin?"
-"A toast! A toast! A toast to Mama Dollar and to Papa Dollar, and if you want to keep this old Building and Loan in business, you better have a family real quick. "

-"Every time a bell rings and angel gets his wings"
-"Yes, George, You really did have a wonderful life."
-"Atta boy Clarence."

Everyone has their favorites, and there are many more that come up in our everyday lives.  But these just make me smile.  They give our conversations flavor and often conjure up pleasant memories, or great mental pictures.

Have a wonderful day and share some of your best movie lines with me!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Unclaimed Baggage? I don't think so...

Just came back from vacation last week.  It was awesome in an ordinary sort of way....which is good.  We  spent two days with each of our sons, with their families in and near their homes, relaxing, hanging out, celebrating and doing life together.

They were gracious, allowing us to be in their homes and sharing their lives with us.  One of the places we went was the Unclaimed Baggage Center in North Alabama.  It was a fascinating place, anything you can imagine that could be left on an airplane was there.  Bottles of tylenol, Persian rugs worth thousands of dollars, artwork, neck pillows, clothing from all countries, wedding gowns, art work,  cell phones, a power cord for any device,  you name it!  It kind of makes you wonder about the history behind some of the things left behind or lost.  One thing that struck us as "odd" was that attached to one end of the building were the gates to a cemetery... Unclaimed Baggage?  A cemetery? a correlation?  could be............

I know, I feel that I am always trying to place a spiritual implication on everything, but how many people live their lives right alongside us, and in the end, have never been claimed by anyone?  They have been cast aside as useless,  unclaimed by family, friends, or discarded in some way.  Maybe someone even gave up on trying to find them.  Maybe they thought they were living lives of purpose, but were unclaimed by those they thought they were made to serve.

There are days when I feel like "unclaimed baggage" , and if you're honest with yourself, I bet you do too, sometimes.

The other thing that amazed me was how much fun it was finding a "treasure" amidst all of the baggage there!  The person that cast it off, or left it, or lost it, may have forgotten about it, but someone else saw it as a treasure, a remarkable find, a new purpose to an old object....no longer unclaimed and cast off, but having truly found a new purpose!

Of Course, our God claims us, redeems us in Christ, gives us, a new purpose and makes us His own.  But in another sense, it is our responsibility to make others feel claimed, loved and worthy of a place in God's world.  God intended that no one should end up in a cemetery having lived a life of unclaimed worth or purpose.  It's our job to show them God's love through us, to make them feel worthy, and to point them to the one that will claim them forever.

Yes, I have days when I don't understand my worth or value to anyone here on this earth, but then I remember that I am not Unclaimed baggage, I am of value and worth to my Lord and it is my job to help others find their way to the best baggage handler of all!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Off the porch, now where is my hat?

Haven't felt much like blogging lately.  I guess I have been lulled into the complacency of Summer and not really feeling like I have had a lot to share.  But now, I feel energized!  My true love and I are hopping off the porch swing, dusting off our gnome hats and hitting the road together.  Our destination?  Seeing the boys and their families of course, and ending with the baptism of Baby Jeffrey on Saturday!

We have been to see our children before, but this will be the first time that we will have seen all of them in their own married homes. another view from the porch swing.

Seeing Baby Jeffrey's baptism, has is really been that many years since his sister Layla's?  Another rock of the swing?

Our family shifts, it changes, that is the nature of this fluid life we live.  It grows by leaps and bounds.  In one blessed year, we have a new baby and 2 new daughters-in-law, blessings abound and the swing moves again.

The constant?  We are all Hamiltons..we may have different zip codes, different goals for our lives, different friends, differences of many kinds, but from the first rock of the swing, nearly thirty years ago, we were boud together by a single thread, and the love of our Heavenly Father.

So, I am  ready to put the gnome hat on, put our over stuffed suitcases in the tried and true mini-van and hit the road with the love of my life.  I look most forward to sharing our thoughts and feelings, catching up, and just being near to him as the miles tick away!

I also look forward to coming home again, taking off the Hamilgnome hats again, and enjoying our lives from the view of the swing!

Happy trails!