A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Snowglobes and Christmas villages

Two of the things I enjoy about Christmas are Snowglobes and Christmas Villages.  There is something almost magical about the idea of life in "miniature".  I have had a Christmas Village for over 20 years.  It started out as 4 buildings as a gift from our neighbor that would fit on our piano, and now is a thriving village metropolis of about 16 dwellings with lots of people, and all the trimmings!  It takes me days to put it together, to place the people, and I really get into this life "in miniature!"  The same with snowglobes;  I would love to shake the snowglobe and end up in the middle of the snowy wonderland! Maybe I watched too many Hallmark Christmas movies.....not sure!

I have heard people say that God is standing over us watching us like miniatures in a village or a snowglobe.  I definitely don't agree with that.  I don't think He is shaking us up to see where we will land, or that he is moving us around, knocking us over,  placing us where He thinks we should go.  Although He is our creator, He is initmately involved in our lives, He is with us in the snowstorm, or in the tiny village, He is not only hovering above us, He is with us and is as close as our very breath. 

I am not preaching this, I am pondering this...I am claiming this.  His proof that He is with us in the snowstorm, or the tiny village is that He has sent his Son to us, to live life with us, to be born in a village, to grow up in a village, to be scorned by people, to suffer shaking in a violent storm and to die in a village.  I am ready to claim Emmanuel, God with us! God near us!  Come, Lord Jesus to my village, the Village of my heart! Join me in my village, walk with me through the snowglobe of my life!

Oh come oh Come Emmanuel!

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