The ball drops, and Bam! A new year is here!
I am sure there are more scientific ways to welcome a new year, its just that this is the most tangible and simple way for me.
Maybe it is because it will be my fiftieth, I don't know, but I think of many of my past New Years Eve's and wonder what the future will hold,
I believe, however, that it is better not to know, It is usually better just to wonder.
2011 for example, glad I didn't know it all. I knew some of the things the year would hold, but certainly not others. So thankful for God's hand in our lives. For blessing us with new additions to our family, a new move, a new church family and so many other blessings. I am glad, also, that he was with us, through each goodbye, each hardship, each joy and each sorrow that we didn't know was heading our way.
2012...What will it hold? What will be around the bend. Some things we do know, we know that there will be a new baby with the Hamilton name this year! There are certainly things to look forward to, to fear, to dread...and to embrace.
In looking back, New Year's Eve was always a fun time for me as a child, it was always a joyful time, not a time of fear or anticipation, but as the years have gone by, I find the day to be more of a melancholy time....
..As I sit here this morning, I reflect, and I am reminded that never once have I spent one moment of one day of one year alone.
....He is always with me, holding my right hand (Psalm 73:23)
....He knows every tear we cry! (Psalm 56:8)
....He will do more than we could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20)
....We can be strong and courageous, He will be with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9)
Happy New Year, Acknowledge the pas;, Embrace what God has in store for us!
...I plan to!
Let that ball drop! Happy New Year, Friends!
A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Orange Cinnamon rolls and Merry Christmas!
This was, by far, the most different Christmas my husband and I have experienced in many years.We have had 30 wonderful Christmases together as a young couple in love, as newleyweds, as young parents, busy parents, parents of teenagers, young men, newlyweds, grandparents, and now, empty nesters. We have seen everyone since Thanksgiving, we just have no one home on Christmas day. What on earth to do with ourselves? Hmmm...
We were really at a loss. Some traditions were started when it was just us, some were brought from families of origin, but there is one tiny tradition, that doesn't mean anything to anyone else that we were determined to keep. Orange Cinnamon rolls! They are not from some age old recipe, not even from a mix, but without a can popped on a counter that unveiled that gooey deliciousness, baked for exactly 11 minutes and the orange pouch of frosting melted on them...Let's just say that without them, the "Christmas morning in front of the tree experience" just would never be the same! Obviously, we could still read the Christmas Story from the family bible, and reflect on Christmas, but something of the Davis/Hamilton heritage would be lost without it. And I was afraid it was..
Went to Walmart yesterday, with only one thing on my list..yep, the orange cinnamon rolls, and to my great dismay, they were out! Almost had a melt down in Walmart. Maybe it was all the changes in the past year piling up all at once, or maybe it really was the rolls. I bolted out of Walmart(not easy to do on Christmas Eve), with only a little while to spare before church, sped to the Piggly Wiggly, and that little pink pig saved the day (Always did like him)! Made it to Church on time to sing praises to the one we celebrate....all was right in the world.
We got up this morning, not quite sure what to do with ourselves, sat in front of the tree for a minute, thought about Christmases past, rejoicing for our boys and their new families and traditions they are starting and have had in their own families, and praising God. Even though we felt a little sorry for ourselves, a whiff of orange frosting and a touch of each others hand, let us know that we will carry on...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
We were really at a loss. Some traditions were started when it was just us, some were brought from families of origin, but there is one tiny tradition, that doesn't mean anything to anyone else that we were determined to keep. Orange Cinnamon rolls! They are not from some age old recipe, not even from a mix, but without a can popped on a counter that unveiled that gooey deliciousness, baked for exactly 11 minutes and the orange pouch of frosting melted on them...Let's just say that without them, the "Christmas morning in front of the tree experience" just would never be the same! Obviously, we could still read the Christmas Story from the family bible, and reflect on Christmas, but something of the Davis/Hamilton heritage would be lost without it. And I was afraid it was..
Went to Walmart yesterday, with only one thing on my list..yep, the orange cinnamon rolls, and to my great dismay, they were out! Almost had a melt down in Walmart. Maybe it was all the changes in the past year piling up all at once, or maybe it really was the rolls. I bolted out of Walmart(not easy to do on Christmas Eve), with only a little while to spare before church, sped to the Piggly Wiggly, and that little pink pig saved the day (Always did like him)! Made it to Church on time to sing praises to the one we celebrate....all was right in the world.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
"My finest gift I bring......"
I love the song, "The little Drummer Boy". But it wasn't until I got older that I understood the significance of the story. He gave what he had to the baby... his gift of music, his finest gift!
In a few days, the images of baby Jesus will be back in the box until next year, the Christmas CDs will be back in the cabinet until next year, the presents will be open, the bills will start coming in, and the trees will be in the dump, the river or the attic.
In all the craziness, in the busy-ness, did I stop to think of what gift I would give to the Christ child? A talent, perhaps? A spiritual gift that I needed to share? The gift of Worship, Devotion, Surrender, or Obedience?
Before baby Jesus goes back in to the box, think about it......What gift will you give the baby, the King, the Lord of all?
For it is in the giving of our finest gifts to the King, that we are the ones who are blessed!
In a few days, the images of baby Jesus will be back in the box until next year, the Christmas CDs will be back in the cabinet until next year, the presents will be open, the bills will start coming in, and the trees will be in the dump, the river or the attic.
In all the craziness, in the busy-ness, did I stop to think of what gift I would give to the Christ child? A talent, perhaps? A spiritual gift that I needed to share? The gift of Worship, Devotion, Surrender, or Obedience?
Before baby Jesus goes back in to the box, think about it......What gift will you give the baby, the King, the Lord of all?
For it is in the giving of our finest gifts to the King, that we are the ones who are blessed!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Joy to the world.......
Love that song...the first chord gets your attention and sings of a royal joy...commanding, not begging earth to receive her king! It commands us to sing, and to rejoice.
Christmas is such a time to rejoice..not for our circumstances, good or bad, not for our temporary "joy". I think that after half a century I am finally getting it. When we think of our Savior's birth, we rejoice in the Joy that defines us. The joy in hearts that that baby brought, that ultimately brought our Salvation. The Joy that allows us to rejoice in the Lord always, not just when we feel like it, not just when we are "up", but the Joy that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. The joy that comes from knowing that each day is a gift, that we have the ability to rejoice in all things because we know how the story ends.
This Christmas, I will find Joy in the celebration of His birth,
The smiles of my loved ones,
The quiet moments in front of the tree
The Carols sung loudly and often,
The promises read in scripture
The smiles on children's faces
The comfort that there is more that we can see today
The quiet whisper in the candlelight beckoning us along with Him to "Sleep in Heavenly peace"
.....Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I say rejoice!
Joy to the world, the LORD has come.
Christmas is such a time to rejoice..not for our circumstances, good or bad, not for our temporary "joy". I think that after half a century I am finally getting it. When we think of our Savior's birth, we rejoice in the Joy that defines us. The joy in hearts that that baby brought, that ultimately brought our Salvation. The Joy that allows us to rejoice in the Lord always, not just when we feel like it, not just when we are "up", but the Joy that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. The joy that comes from knowing that each day is a gift, that we have the ability to rejoice in all things because we know how the story ends.
This Christmas, I will find Joy in the celebration of His birth,
The smiles of my loved ones,
The quiet moments in front of the tree
The Carols sung loudly and often,
The promises read in scripture
The smiles on children's faces
The comfort that there is more that we can see today
The quiet whisper in the candlelight beckoning us along with Him to "Sleep in Heavenly peace"
.....Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I say rejoice!
Joy to the world, the LORD has come.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
'Tis the Season..
'Tis the Season for...
1. Crying a little more
2. Loving a little more
3. Missing our friends a little more
4. Missing our families a whole lot more
5. Loneliness
6. Gratitude
7. Heartache
8. Warm Hearts
9. Parties
10. quiet homes
11. Shopping
12. Wishing we could shop
13. Wrapping
14. Empty stockings
15. Christmas Carols
16. Silent nights
17. Rejoicing
18. Reliving the pain
19. Worship
20. Longing
At Christmas, we feel everything more deeply, Joy, Love, Pain, Sorrow. Peace, Unrest, Gratitude, Want.
Lord, While we are rejoicing in your birth, turn our hearts toward those who need a fresh touch from You. It may even be us, or someone we love so dearly.
Thank you for coming to us in the most humble way, for knowing what life here on earth would be like for us, and for living life with us everyday. Help lift each heart, and let it feel the brush of the angels'wings who sang at your birth. Let that same heart feel the peace of the sleeping infant in the manger.
Let the Peace of Christmas Reign!
1. Crying a little more
2. Loving a little more
3. Missing our friends a little more
4. Missing our families a whole lot more
5. Loneliness
6. Gratitude
7. Heartache
8. Warm Hearts
9. Parties
10. quiet homes
11. Shopping
12. Wishing we could shop
13. Wrapping
14. Empty stockings
15. Christmas Carols
16. Silent nights
17. Rejoicing
18. Reliving the pain
19. Worship
20. Longing
At Christmas, we feel everything more deeply, Joy, Love, Pain, Sorrow. Peace, Unrest, Gratitude, Want.
Lord, While we are rejoicing in your birth, turn our hearts toward those who need a fresh touch from You. It may even be us, or someone we love so dearly.
Thank you for coming to us in the most humble way, for knowing what life here on earth would be like for us, and for living life with us everyday. Help lift each heart, and let it feel the brush of the angels'wings who sang at your birth. Let that same heart feel the peace of the sleeping infant in the manger.
Let the Peace of Christmas Reign!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Usually,When I think of the birth of Jesus I think of a chaotic night ending in a baby's birth and a big crowd at a stable with everyone singing "Hark the herald angels sing" or "Silent night". But this year I have been thinking about Mary and what it must have really been like for her. A young girl, probably scared, not knowing what this would mean for her or Joseph, or the world. The fear of labor, delivery, and in, of all places a stable, not even her own home with her Mama there. To be 13, carrying the salvation of the world. Wow!
I am sure, as the night went on, and the shepherds came, and the innkeepers were there, and the angels started singing, she was filled with wonder. I am sure Joseph was beside her and began to understand. But did she feel it? That thing all of us as mothers have? That sense of immediate protection? Did she stop and think, "Can I just be alone with my husband to count His fingers and toes?" or "Is it safe to let the Shepherds near?" , "Are they clean enough to breathe on the Savior of the world?"
Mary was selected by God to be the Mother of Christ, she may not have felt that way, but on the other hand she was human. My heart aches for her, knowing this child was only hers for a while, knowing He was born to die. What an incredible woman she must have been. What a help mate Joseph must have been. When I look at most nativity scenes, she is looking down at the baby in the manger, from now on, I prefer to think of her holding her baby close, while she can....
"Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild"
I am sure, as the night went on, and the shepherds came, and the innkeepers were there, and the angels started singing, she was filled with wonder. I am sure Joseph was beside her and began to understand. But did she feel it? That thing all of us as mothers have? That sense of immediate protection? Did she stop and think, "Can I just be alone with my husband to count His fingers and toes?" or "Is it safe to let the Shepherds near?" , "Are they clean enough to breathe on the Savior of the world?"
Mary was selected by God to be the Mother of Christ, she may not have felt that way, but on the other hand she was human. My heart aches for her, knowing this child was only hers for a while, knowing He was born to die. What an incredible woman she must have been. What a help mate Joseph must have been. When I look at most nativity scenes, she is looking down at the baby in the manger, from now on, I prefer to think of her holding her baby close, while she can....
"Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild"
Saturday, December 3, 2011
"Every time a bell rings...."
One of the many things I love about the Christmas season is the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life".
There is something so real about the struggles in George's life. Most of us don't live a charmed life, but in reality, most of our lives are not as terrible as we think they are either. I have spent the whole day worrying about something that I cannot change, something that I can't do anything about, and wringing my hands and saying "why me, why me?"
Well, I'll tell you this, I reallly do have a wonderful life, and this one thing isn't going to change that.
I believe that God sends people our way to remind us of that. He gives us old friends, new friends and our families to intervene, to walk beside us, and yes, I do believe, there are angels who watch after us, who keep us from harm. Do they look like Clarence? I doubt it, but then again, I don't look like George, either! Most importantly, we have a Savior who loves us, richly and deeply and cares for us in our darkest hour.
So, Thank you, Lord, for reminding me yet, again, that I do really have a wonderful life!
There is something so real about the struggles in George's life. Most of us don't live a charmed life, but in reality, most of our lives are not as terrible as we think they are either. I have spent the whole day worrying about something that I cannot change, something that I can't do anything about, and wringing my hands and saying "why me, why me?"
Well, I'll tell you this, I reallly do have a wonderful life, and this one thing isn't going to change that.
I believe that God sends people our way to remind us of that. He gives us old friends, new friends and our families to intervene, to walk beside us, and yes, I do believe, there are angels who watch after us, who keep us from harm. Do they look like Clarence? I doubt it, but then again, I don't look like George, either! Most importantly, we have a Savior who loves us, richly and deeply and cares for us in our darkest hour.
So, Thank you, Lord, for reminding me yet, again, that I do really have a wonderful life!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Snowglobes and Christmas villages
Two of the things I enjoy about Christmas are Snowglobes and Christmas Villages. There is something almost magical about the idea of life in "miniature". I have had a Christmas Village for over 20 years. It started out as 4 buildings as a gift from our neighbor that would fit on our piano, and now is a thriving village metropolis of about 16 dwellings with lots of people, and all the trimmings! It takes me days to put it together, to place the people, and I really get into this life "in miniature!" The same with snowglobes; I would love to shake the snowglobe and end up in the middle of the snowy wonderland! Maybe I watched too many Hallmark Christmas movies.....not sure!
I have heard people say that God is standing over us watching us like miniatures in a village or a snowglobe. I definitely don't agree with that. I don't think He is shaking us up to see where we will land, or that he is moving us around, knocking us over, placing us where He thinks we should go. Although He is our creator, He is initmately involved in our lives, He is with us in the snowstorm, or in the tiny village, He is not only hovering above us, He is with us and is as close as our very breath.
I am not preaching this, I am pondering this...I am claiming this. His proof that He is with us in the snowstorm, or the tiny village is that He has sent his Son to us, to live life with us, to be born in a village, to grow up in a village, to be scorned by people, to suffer shaking in a violent storm and to die in a village. I am ready to claim Emmanuel, God with us! God near us! Come, Lord Jesus to my village, the Village of my heart! Join me in my village, walk with me through the snowglobe of my life!
Oh come oh Come Emmanuel!
I have heard people say that God is standing over us watching us like miniatures in a village or a snowglobe. I definitely don't agree with that. I don't think He is shaking us up to see where we will land, or that he is moving us around, knocking us over, placing us where He thinks we should go. Although He is our creator, He is initmately involved in our lives, He is with us in the snowstorm, or in the tiny village, He is not only hovering above us, He is with us and is as close as our very breath.
I am not preaching this, I am pondering this...I am claiming this. His proof that He is with us in the snowstorm, or the tiny village is that He has sent his Son to us, to live life with us, to be born in a village, to grow up in a village, to be scorned by people, to suffer shaking in a violent storm and to die in a village. I am ready to claim Emmanuel, God with us! God near us! Come, Lord Jesus to my village, the Village of my heart! Join me in my village, walk with me through the snowglobe of my life!
Oh come oh Come Emmanuel!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Time to say "Thanks" with a heart full of gratitude first, to my Lord, and next, to my family for so much, here are just a few things, but, bear in mind, this is only scratching the surface:
How grateful I am for an awesome husband, who loves me no matter what! He is home base for me throughout all of my life.I can never imagine one day outside of your arms. I am sooooo blessed to have the love of my life with me everyday!
How many blessings can one have in a lifetime? For three of the most amazing children, for their unconditional love in my life.
For their fabulous choices in mates. How marvelously you have increased our borders! What beautiful women you have chosen!
For a fabulous granddaughter who lights up a room and brings unspeakable joy to our lives!
For Jeffrey who is on the way, Can't wait to see you!
For the privilege of being in a life of ministry. Where serving Christ and others is our calling.
For an amazing Davis Family..the family of my birth. Thanks for my roots. Love you all
For our friends and families of our hearts. The special people God binds our hearts with!
For employment. For the chance to minister and serve earch day. Help me always to be grateful
With Gratitude and Joy,
A grateful daughter of the King
How grateful I am for an awesome husband, who loves me no matter what! He is home base for me throughout all of my life.I can never imagine one day outside of your arms. I am sooooo blessed to have the love of my life with me everyday!
How many blessings can one have in a lifetime? For three of the most amazing children, for their unconditional love in my life.
For their fabulous choices in mates. How marvelously you have increased our borders! What beautiful women you have chosen!
For a fabulous granddaughter who lights up a room and brings unspeakable joy to our lives!
For Jeffrey who is on the way, Can't wait to see you!
For the privilege of being in a life of ministry. Where serving Christ and others is our calling.
For an amazing Davis Family..the family of my birth. Thanks for my roots. Love you all
For our friends and families of our hearts. The special people God binds our hearts with!
For employment. For the chance to minister and serve earch day. Help me always to be grateful
With Gratitude and Joy,
A grateful daughter of the King
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Two ears, one mouth...
I've been thinking this week about all the wisdom I (we) that work with children impart on a daily basis! But do I ever take any of it to heart? Hardly ever, okay?
So here are some of those jewels that have come back to haunt me, lately:
1. "You should listen more and talk less, because God gave you two ears and one mouth!"
2. " Sit up straight"
3. " Don't be ugly to her, she didn't do anything to you, now did she?"
4. "If it is a tattle, Don't say it!"
5. "Smile, it is so much easier to smile than to frown!!!"
6. "Since we are feeling grumpy today, let's just stop what we are doing and dance!"
There are also things I wish someone would say to me:
1. "You need a time out!" I think just 10 minutes with my head down would make me feel better!
2. " It's time to lie down and take a nap, you have played really hard today!" how nice that would be1
3. "If you sit really quietly and follow directions, you will get a treat! " I love treats!
4. "You did a good job eating everything on your plate!" Yeah, like I need to hear that one!
5. "Do you need a potty break?" Why yes, I do!
6. "Come here, a hug will make it all better!" Of course it will!
7. "Let's sing Jesus loves me, He really does, ya know???!!!"
From a little box chair, at a little computer stand in a little classroom with little children! Have a wonderful, blessed,childlike day
So here are some of those jewels that have come back to haunt me, lately:
1. "You should listen more and talk less, because God gave you two ears and one mouth!"
2. " Sit up straight"
3. " Don't be ugly to her, she didn't do anything to you, now did she?"
4. "If it is a tattle, Don't say it!"
5. "Smile, it is so much easier to smile than to frown!!!"
6. "Since we are feeling grumpy today, let's just stop what we are doing and dance!"
There are also things I wish someone would say to me:
1. "You need a time out!" I think just 10 minutes with my head down would make me feel better!
2. " It's time to lie down and take a nap, you have played really hard today!" how nice that would be1
3. "If you sit really quietly and follow directions, you will get a treat! " I love treats!
4. "You did a good job eating everything on your plate!" Yeah, like I need to hear that one!
5. "Do you need a potty break?" Why yes, I do!
6. "Come here, a hug will make it all better!" Of course it will!
7. "Let's sing Jesus loves me, He really does, ya know???!!!"
From a little box chair, at a little computer stand in a little classroom with little children! Have a wonderful, blessed,childlike day
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Time to retreat......and paint!
What an awesome weekend, we had! Lots of things I needed to do, lots of things I should have done, but instead, I painted furniture. Outside furniture, inside furniture, stripping, painting, sanding! It was so therapeutic! I even painted our name on the mailbox! Kinda scared me that I had this much of an energy burst.
The best part of it all has been working on a project with my hubby. There are always things we have to do, or need to do, but this was just a project that was fun...No stress, just the joy of being together. We are refinishing my parents dining room table. My parents got that table when I was five. It survived my childhood, hosted family meals with their children and grandchildren, meals with my children and grandchild and is still as strong as ever. It has survived countless moves, a flood and is still strong and sturdy. It is special to me. For 45 years that table has been a part of my life.
The ironing will get done tomorrow, the floor will get mopped Tuesday, but by the end of the week, we will have a lovely reminder of family, those present, those not, those in heaven and those around the table...With a Thankful heart, I will smile.
Tis the season to slow down and give Thanks, it took a silly table to get me to do it!
The best part of it all has been working on a project with my hubby. There are always things we have to do, or need to do, but this was just a project that was fun...No stress, just the joy of being together. We are refinishing my parents dining room table. My parents got that table when I was five. It survived my childhood, hosted family meals with their children and grandchildren, meals with my children and grandchild and is still as strong as ever. It has survived countless moves, a flood and is still strong and sturdy. It is special to me. For 45 years that table has been a part of my life.
The ironing will get done tomorrow, the floor will get mopped Tuesday, but by the end of the week, we will have a lovely reminder of family, those present, those not, those in heaven and those around the table...With a Thankful heart, I will smile.
Tis the season to slow down and give Thanks, it took a silly table to get me to do it!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Lemons, lemons, Lemonade!
We have three Lemon trees in our backyard that are just full of lemons! How cool is that? I have never been too successful at growing anything, and here we are growing lemons! We have lemons on the counter, in the refrigerator, made bunches of lemonade, I have given them away, and there are still more on the trees!
It makes me think...this beautiful yellow fruit is in crazy abundance, but only for a season. Am I bearing fruit in my life, but only for a season?
Trying to pick them is deadly! I never knew that Lemon trees had one inch thorns all around the fruit. I guess it is God's way of protecting them until they are ready to pick. Does He protect us in our less than useful days from harm and ruin, until we are ready to be useful for Him?
By themselves they are really hard to eat, but when placed with other ingredients, they are wonderful! I could drink sweet tea with lemon all day long! Are we meant to add flavor and color and enhance the lives of others? Are we meant to be a garnish.... Not the main ingredient? It gives me something to think about, maybe some of us are simply meant to make others shine, and that is okay!
As I said, they are not very tasty by themselves. They need a little sugar, or sweetener to be absolutely tasty! I know that by myself, I am anything but sweet! I need the love of Christ, and the support of Godly people in my life to make me useful to him, otherwise, I just leave a sour taste for those in my presence!
Thank you Lord for the abundant reminder of your presence in my life to day!
So, pucker up and live abundantly today, I will!
It makes me think...this beautiful yellow fruit is in crazy abundance, but only for a season. Am I bearing fruit in my life, but only for a season?
Trying to pick them is deadly! I never knew that Lemon trees had one inch thorns all around the fruit. I guess it is God's way of protecting them until they are ready to pick. Does He protect us in our less than useful days from harm and ruin, until we are ready to be useful for Him?
By themselves they are really hard to eat, but when placed with other ingredients, they are wonderful! I could drink sweet tea with lemon all day long! Are we meant to add flavor and color and enhance the lives of others? Are we meant to be a garnish.... Not the main ingredient? It gives me something to think about, maybe some of us are simply meant to make others shine, and that is okay!
As I said, they are not very tasty by themselves. They need a little sugar, or sweetener to be absolutely tasty! I know that by myself, I am anything but sweet! I need the love of Christ, and the support of Godly people in my life to make me useful to him, otherwise, I just leave a sour taste for those in my presence!
Thank you Lord for the abundant reminder of your presence in my life to day!
So, pucker up and live abundantly today, I will!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Happy Birthday (a little belated) to the eldest of my 4 nephews. I can hardly believe you are 44. How did that happen?
I remember your life in flashes:
You were born and I was an aunt at 6. I thought you were my baby when you would come and visit!
I chased you around until I passed out, Mama said!
I remember the smile daddy had when you came back from fishing with him! And you had a pretty big one too!
You are a really good big brother, You and Jon were the best of brothers, even between scuffles and brotherly fusses!
I remember taking you to the movie, just to hang out. It seems like just yesterday, but then I saw TRON had it's 30th anniversary remake!
I remember you moving away and was so sad, but happy for you at the same time.
The rest are glimpses, visits, seeing you as an adult, seeing you as a dad, seeing you as an older nephew to my boys, and always seeing your humor and insight into our family and my life...I treasure your friendship and love
And just like your Mama, you are not defined by your age.....
You may act all crusty on the outside, but you can't fool me! ya big softie! I love you, Rich!
Aunt Heather
I remember your life in flashes:
You were born and I was an aunt at 6. I thought you were my baby when you would come and visit!
I chased you around until I passed out, Mama said!
I remember the smile daddy had when you came back from fishing with him! And you had a pretty big one too!
You are a really good big brother, You and Jon were the best of brothers, even between scuffles and brotherly fusses!
I remember taking you to the movie, just to hang out. It seems like just yesterday, but then I saw TRON had it's 30th anniversary remake!
I remember you moving away and was so sad, but happy for you at the same time.
The rest are glimpses, visits, seeing you as an adult, seeing you as a dad, seeing you as an older nephew to my boys, and always seeing your humor and insight into our family and my life...I treasure your friendship and love
And just like your Mama, you are not defined by your age.....
You may act all crusty on the outside, but you can't fool me! ya big softie! I love you, Rich!
Aunt Heather
Thursday, November 3, 2011
calling the absent-minded!
Okay, so yesterday started out like any early up, got ready, got in the car, I was half-way to work, reached in my purse for my cell phone and I pull out the remote to our TV! How did I do that? The remote is at least 6 inches longer, and looks nothing like my phone!
I have the remote with no TV, and my phone is at home and can't change the channels..ugh!
That did not bode well for the rest of the day! I was just half a step behind all day after that.
How does a person do that? Next time I feed the dog, I'd better check her bowl.. I might feed her the cat!
Next time I put on my shoes, I'd better make sure I don't have on the boxes!
The list of possibilities is endless!
So far, this morning all is well. My phone is in my pocket and the remote is on the couch!
Lets hope I don't drive the lawn mower to work!
Have a great day everyone!
I have the remote with no TV, and my phone is at home and can't change the channels..ugh!
That did not bode well for the rest of the day! I was just half a step behind all day after that.
How does a person do that? Next time I feed the dog, I'd better check her bowl.. I might feed her the cat!
Next time I put on my shoes, I'd better make sure I don't have on the boxes!
The list of possibilities is endless!
So far, this morning all is well. My phone is in my pocket and the remote is on the couch!
Lets hope I don't drive the lawn mower to work!
Have a great day everyone!
Friday, October 28, 2011
When we said, "I do"!
Wow! Was it really 28 years ago when we stood in the front of the church, me in a poofy, ruffled dress with lots of bows and lace (I Know...not me at all!), and you in a grey tux with tails, professing our love til the end of time in front of Friends, family and God?
What an awesome adventure it has been! The journey has been one with many twists and turns. The plans we were so sure of changed so many times, the vision for our future was not what the reality became. Our lives have been anything but boring, and I wouldn't have changed a single thing!
For Better or Worse..............The better always wins over the worse! THere have been enough of both days to know! Thank you for always knowing when to make me laugh!
For Richer or Poorer...............Lol! Thank heaven our love for each other is not tied to the amount of money in our bank account! Thanks for your love in "little and in much"
In sickness and in health.........In 28 years, we have seen each other through many days of health, and quite a few of sickness. What a pleasure to know you are there..always, as I will be for you...even when I won't know your name
To love and to cherish................The easiest part! Even more so today because our love is tested and has always proven true, with each passing year, I cherish you more!
Forsaking all others................forever and ever!
Till death do us part! ................just try to get rid of me!!!!!! Forever is not long enough!
What a blessing it is to have the love of a Godly man beside me for 28 years! May the next 28 be just as spectacular!
Happy Anniversary, Baby!
I love you...forever and ever
What an awesome adventure it has been! The journey has been one with many twists and turns. The plans we were so sure of changed so many times, the vision for our future was not what the reality became. Our lives have been anything but boring, and I wouldn't have changed a single thing!
For Better or Worse..............The better always wins over the worse! THere have been enough of both days to know! Thank you for always knowing when to make me laugh!
For Richer or Poorer...............Lol! Thank heaven our love for each other is not tied to the amount of money in our bank account! Thanks for your love in "little and in much"
In sickness and in health.........In 28 years, we have seen each other through many days of health, and quite a few of sickness. What a pleasure to know you are there..always, as I will be for you...even when I won't know your name
To love and to cherish................The easiest part! Even more so today because our love is tested and has always proven true, with each passing year, I cherish you more!
Forsaking all others................forever and ever!
Till death do us part! ................just try to get rid of me!!!!!! Forever is not long enough!
What a blessing it is to have the love of a Godly man beside me for 28 years! May the next 28 be just as spectacular!
Happy Anniversary, Baby!
I love you...forever and ever

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Running on empty
Do you ever feel that you are "running on empty'? I often do. There are days when it just seems that there is only so much in your tank and by 9:25 in the morning you are running on fumes? I had one of those days today. I just didn't see how I was gonna make it through the day. But somehow 3:00 came just like it does everyday. Restoration was on the way... I should have been grateful for today, for the privilege of having a job, for the blessings I have been given, but instead, I saw the negative and counted the minutes until my day was over. I had lost precious moments to be a positive influence instead of a negative one. I could have been joyful instead of fretful.
Lord, I need a "do-over" today. I need to Stop, Drop (to my knees), and Roll into a better attitude! Can you tell it's Fire Safety month?
I pray that tomorrow will be a better day. I am human, and it may not be, but these are the scriptures that I will meditate on for a "fill up":
"Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You." Psalm 25:5
"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" Jeremiah 33:3
"Do not be afraid, Be strong and courageous, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
May you be "filled up" my friends!
Lord, I need a "do-over" today. I need to Stop, Drop (to my knees), and Roll into a better attitude! Can you tell it's Fire Safety month?
I pray that tomorrow will be a better day. I am human, and it may not be, but these are the scriptures that I will meditate on for a "fill up":
"Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You." Psalm 25:5
"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" Jeremiah 33:3
"Do not be afraid, Be strong and courageous, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
May you be "filled up" my friends!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Missing you
Psalm 104:12
The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
The term "empty nest" implies that the kids have left and Mama and Papa bird are at the same place, just waiting for those birds to come back home. Well, we have left the nest too, and built one in a different tree. I know birds have an awesome sense of direction, and even the ones that don't have GPS thingies, and can find us at anytime (you always do), I also know we can go and see your nests too...but that doesn't help today.
I truly am glad that you have your own nests and are singing in your own branches
But today.....
I miss my birds and their pretty wives and sweet baby(ies)
I know when Andy and Opie let the baby birds Winken, Blinken and Nod go, the trees looked full, but today, I would rather have a full nest!
I am glad the holidays are coming and we can see you soon.
So for now, I will get the home nest by the waters ready...because you have given me plenty to sing about!
Missing you all,
MB (Mama Bird, Mama, Mom, Nana)
The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
The term "empty nest" implies that the kids have left and Mama and Papa bird are at the same place, just waiting for those birds to come back home. Well, we have left the nest too, and built one in a different tree. I know birds have an awesome sense of direction, and even the ones that don't have GPS thingies, and can find us at anytime (you always do), I also know we can go and see your nests too...but that doesn't help today.
I truly am glad that you have your own nests and are singing in your own branches
But today.....
I miss my birds and their pretty wives and sweet baby(ies)
I know when Andy and Opie let the baby birds Winken, Blinken and Nod go, the trees looked full, but today, I would rather have a full nest!
I am glad the holidays are coming and we can see you soon.
So for now, I will get the home nest by the waters ready...because you have given me plenty to sing about!
Missing you all,
MB (Mama Bird, Mama, Mom, Nana)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Walking through
So much of what I have been reading and hearing lately has been about "Walking through" life together. In my mind, that is the picture of what Jesus did. How often to do we stop and think about that? We share life with people every day..if it is through an email, a phone call, a visit, a meeting or even through facebook. We learn about their ups and downs, and their joys and sorrows. We learn about their silly quirks and annoying habits, but we are doing something for them and they are doing something for us...we are keeping them from being alone on their journey. We are "walking through" this portion of their lives with them. Living life together, and sharing in their joys and pains.
Thank You, Friends, for "Walking through" so much of life with me. May I do the same for you.
Blessings to you from me on this cool day in Alabama...May your walk be beautiful and may you have someone to "walk through" with you!
Thank You, Friends, for "Walking through" so much of life with me. May I do the same for you.
Blessings to you from me on this cool day in Alabama...May your walk be beautiful and may you have someone to "walk through" with you!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Saturday as it should be........
Football is on Tv, the washer and dryer are going, the cars are washed, the errands are finished, it is Saturday as it should be.
A nice drive in the country this morning though some cotton fields, and a drive by the shore tonight will make for a great day.
I get so wrapped up in all the things I need to do, haven't done or didn't do right, that I forget to slow down and enjoy life's beautiful simple things.
I am thankful for my Mom's improvement, for my Sister's retirement, for my children doing so well, for all of the blessings God has given us. But today I am especially thankful for the one who has shared this day with me. Who in just a couple of short weeks will be my husband of 28 years. We have shared many Saturdays together, and each one is special, but for today, I am thankful for this one!
Let's swing on the deck before today is over, honey!
Nothing beats a Satuday in the Fall in the South!
A nice drive in the country this morning though some cotton fields, and a drive by the shore tonight will make for a great day.
I get so wrapped up in all the things I need to do, haven't done or didn't do right, that I forget to slow down and enjoy life's beautiful simple things.
I am thankful for my Mom's improvement, for my Sister's retirement, for my children doing so well, for all of the blessings God has given us. But today I am especially thankful for the one who has shared this day with me. Who in just a couple of short weeks will be my husband of 28 years. We have shared many Saturdays together, and each one is special, but for today, I am thankful for this one!
Let's swing on the deck before today is over, honey!
Nothing beats a Satuday in the Fall in the South!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
2,4,6,8...Who do we appreciate??!?!?!?!
Very few occupations have a day set aside to appreciate them. But if you think about it, they are not the easy ones. Mother's Day, Father's Day, President's Day, and the one we celebrate today; Pastor Appreciation Day.
Pastors have played a very important role in my life. From my earliest memories, Pastors have guided, corrected, loved, chastised and encouraged me in my walk with Christ. They have married, buried, confirmed, discipled and nurtured my family as well. They are not perfect, only mere mortals who have accepted the mantle of service and devotion that Christ placed on their lives. God is so cool, because he sent each one at the appropriate time. We also have many friends in the ministry, Godly men and women who walk humbly before their Parish and the world every day. Living life with people whom they will come to view as family.
There is one minister with whom I am very well acquainted. For nearly 29 years he has been my best friend. For nearly 28 of those years he has been my husband. Do I appreciate him? You bet! But I did even before he was someone's minister. Do I think he should have a special day? He probably would disagree, but I think he should. More than anyone, I know his heart for love, servanthood and compassion. I know his passion for Christ and his heart for his people. I know the holidays he gives up, the tears he has shed, the sleep he has missed, the events he has missed, the hurts he has endured and beyond all that, the joys, blessings and triumphs he experiences because of this road.
If you have a minute today, send a facebook message, e-mail, letter or a phone call to a Pastor you appreciate. I think I'll go and do that right now!
Blessings on your day!
Pastors have played a very important role in my life. From my earliest memories, Pastors have guided, corrected, loved, chastised and encouraged me in my walk with Christ. They have married, buried, confirmed, discipled and nurtured my family as well. They are not perfect, only mere mortals who have accepted the mantle of service and devotion that Christ placed on their lives. God is so cool, because he sent each one at the appropriate time. We also have many friends in the ministry, Godly men and women who walk humbly before their Parish and the world every day. Living life with people whom they will come to view as family.
There is one minister with whom I am very well acquainted. For nearly 29 years he has been my best friend. For nearly 28 of those years he has been my husband. Do I appreciate him? You bet! But I did even before he was someone's minister. Do I think he should have a special day? He probably would disagree, but I think he should. More than anyone, I know his heart for love, servanthood and compassion. I know his passion for Christ and his heart for his people. I know the holidays he gives up, the tears he has shed, the sleep he has missed, the events he has missed, the hurts he has endured and beyond all that, the joys, blessings and triumphs he experiences because of this road.
If you have a minute today, send a facebook message, e-mail, letter or a phone call to a Pastor you appreciate. I think I'll go and do that right now!
Blessings on your day!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
She is packing her bags....
Saturday was a day I will never forget. I went to see her..she has always been so beautiful with her pretty dark hair and exotic amber eyes. Today, she was bruised and weary. Her body shook and she was looking somewhere else. Past us, past her room, past the immediate, past the pain. She was reaching
for something we did not see.
Our finite minds and limited vision can only imagine what she is seeing from her bed right now. It must be a place where she is not defined by the things that confine her now. She is packing her bags. I see it in her eyes. She is looking forward to a journey. A journey that she is ready to make....more than ready. Her focus is single and as we fade into the rearview mirror, we will become but background noise as the promise of this final trip becomes more and more of a reality.
From where I sit, the letting go will be hard. It may not be today or tomorrow or next month, but the voyage is imminent for her. For her, I will not grieve, she is ready, just waiting for the passport and tickets. For me, how I say goodbye, how I send her off, how I leave the station are all life lessons I must learn.. But I must rejoice for her, with her, and focus on the joy that lies ahead for her as she approaches her joyful journey and her blessed reunion with those waiting for her and the One who will hold her close forever.
for something we did not see.
Our finite minds and limited vision can only imagine what she is seeing from her bed right now. It must be a place where she is not defined by the things that confine her now. She is packing her bags. I see it in her eyes. She is looking forward to a journey. A journey that she is ready to make....more than ready. Her focus is single and as we fade into the rearview mirror, we will become but background noise as the promise of this final trip becomes more and more of a reality.
From where I sit, the letting go will be hard. It may not be today or tomorrow or next month, but the voyage is imminent for her. For her, I will not grieve, she is ready, just waiting for the passport and tickets. For me, how I say goodbye, how I send her off, how I leave the station are all life lessons I must learn.. But I must rejoice for her, with her, and focus on the joy that lies ahead for her as she approaches her joyful journey and her blessed reunion with those waiting for her and the One who will hold her close forever.

Saturday, October 1, 2011
There is nothing like the first truly crisp day of Fall. This morning is awesome. There is a nip in the air, my Spirit is revived. It is a day for a drive, or Football either on TV or in person and chili and friends and family.
The heaviness of a Southern Summer is passing and a fresh wind blows through us to revive us a little!
Thank you Lord for the renewing of our lives through Seasons. You know just how long to let us linger in each one before Your blessed renewal.
Thank you for the reminder that you are the one who brings us from darkness to light each day, from the heaviness of Summer to the sweet cleansing of Fall, from the dead of Winter to the glory of Spring.
Thank you Lord, for your loving whispers and mighty shouts into our lives!
Have a blessed Fall Saturday my friends!
The heaviness of a Southern Summer is passing and a fresh wind blows through us to revive us a little!
Thank you Lord for the renewing of our lives through Seasons. You know just how long to let us linger in each one before Your blessed renewal.
Thank you for the reminder that you are the one who brings us from darkness to light each day, from the heaviness of Summer to the sweet cleansing of Fall, from the dead of Winter to the glory of Spring.
Thank you Lord, for your loving whispers and mighty shouts into our lives!
Have a blessed Fall Saturday my friends!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
He Goes before us....
Even though I am a a positive person, and not one given into despair on a regular basis, life can seem unbearable at of those things that is common to all who walk this life.
Sometimes, I just don't see the way out and wonder if there is any reason to keep holding on, but I am so encouraged by the promises of God given in a beautiful song.
To know that HE has searched me, knows I fail Him and others, to know that even after that, HE goes before me, sheilds my way and one day will receive me to Himself. That makes it possible to get up, dust myself off and face another day..... We are never alone, despite the people and forces in this life that tell us otherwise.
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Oh Lord You've searched me, You know my way; Even when I fail You, I know You love me. Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season, I know You love me; I know You love me. At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me, There's no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave Your glory fills the highest place What can separate me now? You go before me, You shield my way, Your hand upholds me; I know You love me. At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me, There's no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave Your glory fills the highest place What can separate me now? And when the earth fades, Falls from my eyes, And You stand before me, I know You love me; I know You love me. At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me, There's no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave Your glory fills the highest place What can separate me now? |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Birthday to You.....
Twenty two years ago! It was a Friday, just like today, a rainy and wet day in Georgia, when two awesome babies were placed in our arms. What an awesome gift from a gracious God!
For the last 22 years we have had the privilege of going from changing diapers, to chasing toddlers, to dressing for t-ball games, to plays, concerts, to football games to proms, to graduations to weddings. It went by just that fast...
But in between were indescribable moments. Moments of indescribable joy. The moments of watching God form you into the amazing men you have become. Men of compassion, men of courage and men of principle.
Men who love their parents, their brother and his family, their wives and their Lord. Thank you for the awesome privilege of being your mom. There are many blessings in this life, some are finite, only for a season, some are a show of status, or a concrete thing that you can see or touch. But the things that last are not always seen, they are felt. They are moments that can not be taken away. That is what parenthood is.. How blessed we are to have had a front row seat in watching you grow into fine men who we are proud to call our sons!
Celebrate your day!
Happy Birthday, Andrew and Caleb!
For the last 22 years we have had the privilege of going from changing diapers, to chasing toddlers, to dressing for t-ball games, to plays, concerts, to football games to proms, to graduations to weddings. It went by just that fast...
But in between were indescribable moments. Moments of indescribable joy. The moments of watching God form you into the amazing men you have become. Men of compassion, men of courage and men of principle.
Men who love their parents, their brother and his family, their wives and their Lord. Thank you for the awesome privilege of being your mom. There are many blessings in this life, some are finite, only for a season, some are a show of status, or a concrete thing that you can see or touch. But the things that last are not always seen, they are felt. They are moments that can not be taken away. That is what parenthood is.. How blessed we are to have had a front row seat in watching you grow into fine men who we are proud to call our sons!
Celebrate your day!
Happy Birthday, Andrew and Caleb!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
September 15th...
You would think after all these years it would be just another day; but it isn't. It is the day that we celebrated my dad's birthday as a family. Wow! He would have been 86 this year. The last birthdays we celebrated together were his 52nd birthday and my 16th. So much has happened since then...both personally and in the world.
In 1978 we had only two friends who had microwaves. Hardly anybody we knew had cable except the same two families. My dad was still enthralled with cassette players! The space shuttle was just a dream that hadn't launched yet, and compact cars were just coming into play.
Personally, there was so much more to know about this man I called "Daddy". I so wish I had gotten past the teenage years, and settled down enough to want know more about his life. He was always eager to share, but as a gentleman, he waited for me to ask. Since I was blessed with 3 sons, I have so many questions for him, like; "what was it like for you at 15, or 18 or 21?", or "How was it for you just starting your life with Mama?" Or, "Are all of us Davis's this way?", "When did you fall in love with Jesus the way that you did ?"or a million other things. I wish we could have had birthdays for him where all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren ( and great, great grandchildren now) could descend on him and shower him with kisses and hugs. He could tell them the age old stories of Pa Ross and the Yellow Fever plague, Princess Tocumtah and about Indians and Speckled Puppies and how to catch rain minnows! A day to see bits of yourself in all of your descendants! Your quiver of arrows would be so full!
Daddy, I know that Birthday Parties don't matter much when you are in the presence of the King, but they do mark something special down here. They are a day, no matter how old you are, and no matter which side of heaven you are on, a day for those of us here to stop, and to remember, and to thank our Creator for taking the time to create and craft in His loving hands, the beautiful one that is you. I love you!
Happy Birthday, Chief
From Your Indian Princess!
In 1978 we had only two friends who had microwaves. Hardly anybody we knew had cable except the same two families. My dad was still enthralled with cassette players! The space shuttle was just a dream that hadn't launched yet, and compact cars were just coming into play.
Personally, there was so much more to know about this man I called "Daddy". I so wish I had gotten past the teenage years, and settled down enough to want know more about his life. He was always eager to share, but as a gentleman, he waited for me to ask. Since I was blessed with 3 sons, I have so many questions for him, like; "what was it like for you at 15, or 18 or 21?", or "How was it for you just starting your life with Mama?" Or, "Are all of us Davis's this way?", "When did you fall in love with Jesus the way that you did ?"or a million other things. I wish we could have had birthdays for him where all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren ( and great, great grandchildren now) could descend on him and shower him with kisses and hugs. He could tell them the age old stories of Pa Ross and the Yellow Fever plague, Princess Tocumtah and about Indians and Speckled Puppies and how to catch rain minnows! A day to see bits of yourself in all of your descendants! Your quiver of arrows would be so full!
Daddy, I know that Birthday Parties don't matter much when you are in the presence of the King, but they do mark something special down here. They are a day, no matter how old you are, and no matter which side of heaven you are on, a day for those of us here to stop, and to remember, and to thank our Creator for taking the time to create and craft in His loving hands, the beautiful one that is you. I love you!
Happy Birthday, Chief
From Your Indian Princess!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A new way home...."By the side of the road, part 2"
I have a new way home now. A few months ago I posted ponderings from my perspective of life along my commute every day. I am so glad that the trek to my center takes me through a rural area. Along the way, I see marsh lands, a bay, a beautiful creek, cotton fields, old houses, beautiful boats, sprawling live oak and magnolia trees, and even a polo field. There are homes of affluence, homes of poverty and homes in between.
Yesterday, I saw a hot air balloon rising up out of nowhere! How Cool! I saw the blue bow on a mailbox and prayed for the family and the baby. My heart is ready to attach myself to the familiar sights and places that I will see every day.
Lord, protect these people I pass by on the side of the road. Give the farmers good cotton and peanuts, keep the trees upright through the storms, bring peace to the homes and families, give the hot air balloons safe-landing, fishermen good catches, pleasure boaters fair winds and seas, and safety to all who travel.
Thank you Lord, for the beauty in the ordinary, yet again.
Yesterday, I saw a hot air balloon rising up out of nowhere! How Cool! I saw the blue bow on a mailbox and prayed for the family and the baby. My heart is ready to attach myself to the familiar sights and places that I will see every day.
Lord, protect these people I pass by on the side of the road. Give the farmers good cotton and peanuts, keep the trees upright through the storms, bring peace to the homes and families, give the hot air balloons safe-landing, fishermen good catches, pleasure boaters fair winds and seas, and safety to all who travel.
Thank you Lord, for the beauty in the ordinary, yet again.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
He Sings over us!
I have some books that I read over and over, and this morning I found a quote from one that just melted my heart in the same way that summer is melting away into Fall. We all often get so tired and weary and feel that we are traveling this road alone, or by the "skin of our teeth", but the reality is so far from the truth.
Let these words sink in:
"God was pleased to make you His own. Pleased! He didn't just feel sorry for you. He wasn't obligated to you. He chose you because He delights in you. You were never meant to get through this life by the "skin of your teeth". You were meant to fourish in the love and acceptance of Almighty Jehovah. When He sings over you, dance!" --Beth Moore, Praying God's Word
"The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Have a great and glorious Saturday My Friends, and remember, the Lord is singing over you...So Dance!
Let these words sink in:
"God was pleased to make you His own. Pleased! He didn't just feel sorry for you. He wasn't obligated to you. He chose you because He delights in you. You were never meant to get through this life by the "skin of your teeth". You were meant to fourish in the love and acceptance of Almighty Jehovah. When He sings over you, dance!" --Beth Moore, Praying God's Word
"The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Have a great and glorious Saturday My Friends, and remember, the Lord is singing over you...So Dance!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A hint of fall.....
Everyone has their favorite time of year. Mine happens to be Fall. I love this time of year, I like fall leaves, fall decorations, especially fall temperatures, school starting back, the smell of apples and pumpkins, and one more, very special reason....LOVE!
Today, was the first hint of that wonderful season down here in South Alabama! No matter how pooped you are, a crisp morning can really cheer you up in a big way! There's no way it will last for more than a few days, so I will enjoy it for now!
The first crisp morning every year also takes me back to that day many years ago when I fell in love! there were bales of Hay, pumpkins, music, laughter, and the smell of apple cider. There was a stirring in my heart that said, "this is the one", and just the hint of a smile that let me know that it could be so.
So, while the leaves have yet to turn, and the hay bales and pumpkins aren't on the street corners and front porches yet; my heart is stirring, and I eagerly anticipate reveling in this wonderful season (no matter how short it may be in our part of the world). I will enjoy God's palette of greens, browns, oranges, golds and crimsons, the cool air, and the reminder that that a prayer was answered on a cool October night, and whisper a grateful "Thank you"!
Happy Fall!
Today, was the first hint of that wonderful season down here in South Alabama! No matter how pooped you are, a crisp morning can really cheer you up in a big way! There's no way it will last for more than a few days, so I will enjoy it for now!
The first crisp morning every year also takes me back to that day many years ago when I fell in love! there were bales of Hay, pumpkins, music, laughter, and the smell of apple cider. There was a stirring in my heart that said, "this is the one", and just the hint of a smile that let me know that it could be so.
So, while the leaves have yet to turn, and the hay bales and pumpkins aren't on the street corners and front porches yet; my heart is stirring, and I eagerly anticipate reveling in this wonderful season (no matter how short it may be in our part of the world). I will enjoy God's palette of greens, browns, oranges, golds and crimsons, the cool air, and the reminder that that a prayer was answered on a cool October night, and whisper a grateful "Thank you"!
Happy Fall!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs
One of my children's favorite books was entitled, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. It was an adorable, fascinating and a little bit frightening tale of a town named "Chewandswallow" that received all of it's food from the sky. For example; breakfast would be a rain of OJ, followed by a plate of pancakes and sausage that fell down from above for breakfast. And each meal would follow suit. What a great concept, just walk outside with a fork and spoon and "Presto", there goes supper. Everything went great, till the weather went wrong. You got "tomato tornadoes" and "Pea soup fog", and a "salt and pepper fog", and everyone had to evacuate!
I say all of this to say, that it rained buckets and buckets today. There is a topical depression somewhere offshore and we are getting wet. I didn't bring my lunch to work, and was thinking that I didn't want to go get something, so..I was musing about how convenient that would be...just hold out the plate, huh?
Well, I guess that last time that really happened was when the Israelites got Manna from God. They were also pretty good whiners like I can be. I wonder if they ever thought, "God, I really don't want to go outside and get my manna today, can you just set it inside the door?" Pretty obnoxious, huh? Well, I can be too.
I am really fortunate to be safe, dry, obviously well fed, and have the ability to have a meal...
So, Thank you Lord for rainy day reminders. It's really not so bad to splash in a puddle and look up at the sky! ...and isn't that rain cloud shaped a little like a chicken leg??
I say all of this to say, that it rained buckets and buckets today. There is a topical depression somewhere offshore and we are getting wet. I didn't bring my lunch to work, and was thinking that I didn't want to go get something, so..I was musing about how convenient that would be...just hold out the plate, huh?
Well, I guess that last time that really happened was when the Israelites got Manna from God. They were also pretty good whiners like I can be. I wonder if they ever thought, "God, I really don't want to go outside and get my manna today, can you just set it inside the door?" Pretty obnoxious, huh? Well, I can be too.
I am really fortunate to be safe, dry, obviously well fed, and have the ability to have a meal...
So, Thank you Lord for rainy day reminders. It's really not so bad to splash in a puddle and look up at the sky! ...and isn't that rain cloud shaped a little like a chicken leg??
Monday, August 29, 2011
So often we take our friends for granted. We just assume that they will always be there, in the same place, doing the same things, living life around us. Sometimes they make it through awful storms, only to leave us in the most bizarre manner.
Many of us lost a friend this week. Lois was an encourager. She was someone I have truly cherished being around for the last 8 years. We didn't do a lot together, but I was privileged enough to see her quite often. She was so warm, and instantly I knew that she was someone that would be a blessing in my life. A quick wit, an open heart, and true kindness were what I loved about Lois. She loved her family and friends and they loved her. Even though she fought a physical battle ( and won), in the toughest times it didn't change her heart, or her wit, or her love of life and people. She knew where her strength came from.
Just two days before she left us, she sent an encouraging post to me and I will cherish it always. I have talked about stained glass in another post, and tonight, I am grateful for the beautiful, colorful piece in the window of my heart that is Lois.
What joy you must feel tonight being in our Father's presence, my friend!
Many of us lost a friend this week. Lois was an encourager. She was someone I have truly cherished being around for the last 8 years. We didn't do a lot together, but I was privileged enough to see her quite often. She was so warm, and instantly I knew that she was someone that would be a blessing in my life. A quick wit, an open heart, and true kindness were what I loved about Lois. She loved her family and friends and they loved her. Even though she fought a physical battle ( and won), in the toughest times it didn't change her heart, or her wit, or her love of life and people. She knew where her strength came from.
Just two days before she left us, she sent an encouraging post to me and I will cherish it always. I have talked about stained glass in another post, and tonight, I am grateful for the beautiful, colorful piece in the window of my heart that is Lois.
What joy you must feel tonight being in our Father's presence, my friend!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Have you ever....
As a child, you do things without giving them a whole lot of thought. Things that give you great joy, but you wouldn't do them now, because, "What would people think?"
If we are bold enough, we should try these sometimes as an adult....and don't worry, you won't get hurt.
Have you ever (as an adult):
-Walked barefoot in the rain?
-Ate watermelon on the porch and spit the seeds?
-Skipped to the mailbox?
-Dressed up a dog or cat?
-Drank something out of the pitcher in the refrigerator and put it back?
-Drawn a picture for you spouse, child or parent and put it on the refrigerator?
-Made a macaroni necklace?
-Tried lying in the grass and looking at cloud shapes?
-Sung loud to to the radio or cd in your car with the windows down?
-Ridden over a bumpy road or a bridge while singing one note, just to hear the funny sound?
--Knelt down and said your prayers like you did back then?
Things to ponder, I think I will try one or two this week..just because!
If we are bold enough, we should try these sometimes as an adult....and don't worry, you won't get hurt.
Have you ever (as an adult):
-Walked barefoot in the rain?
-Ate watermelon on the porch and spit the seeds?
-Skipped to the mailbox?
-Dressed up a dog or cat?
-Drank something out of the pitcher in the refrigerator and put it back?
-Drawn a picture for you spouse, child or parent and put it on the refrigerator?
-Made a macaroni necklace?
-Tried lying in the grass and looking at cloud shapes?
-Sung loud to to the radio or cd in your car with the windows down?
-Ridden over a bumpy road or a bridge while singing one note, just to hear the funny sound?
--Knelt down and said your prayers like you did back then?
Things to ponder, I think I will try one or two this week..just because!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I am writing to express my interest.......
.....and so starts the 57th cover letter for a resume! What fun it is to market yourself...ugh! What I really want to say is: " here I am, 50, overweight, I love people, love kids and will work for peanuts! If you need a warm body to work Monday through Friday 8-5, here I am...BUT, you have to be nice to me, because I will be nice to you."
Job hunting is a humbling experience when you have been gainfully employed for awhile. It pulls you out of your comfort zone, you have to dress and act a certain way, and hope that people can see the real you, though all of your nervousness and pretense. Very wonder tele-commuting is so body to have to impress.
Just a little whiny today. But as my daddy always said, "Buck up honey, six months from now you will be worrying about something else!" Gee, Daddy, I hope so...If not, I am going to fling myself in the woods next to our house and hope that PA ROSS gets me on the way to the bay!
Happy Tuesday, Friends!
Job hunting is a humbling experience when you have been gainfully employed for awhile. It pulls you out of your comfort zone, you have to dress and act a certain way, and hope that people can see the real you, though all of your nervousness and pretense. Very wonder tele-commuting is so body to have to impress.
Just a little whiny today. But as my daddy always said, "Buck up honey, six months from now you will be worrying about something else!" Gee, Daddy, I hope so...If not, I am going to fling myself in the woods next to our house and hope that PA ROSS gets me on the way to the bay!
Happy Tuesday, Friends!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I have often been referred to as this. Pollyanna, for those of you who might not be acquainted with her, is a character that always sees the silver lining, the glass half full, pretty much annoyingly bouncy and happy. The dictionary defines Pollyanna as; " an excessively or blindly optimistic person."
I am told it can be quite annoying to those people who are not of the Pollyanna type. Sorry.
But even Pollyannas have their days. That is why I am so grateful that God knows we will have these times and understands. He lets us know that He is not leaving us stranded in the sadness or despair that can grip us like a theif in the night.
He gives us courage to stand, Faith to believe, Friends to pray with, Love to carry us through, arms to hold us, and his grace to carry us through. The hard part is letting go of the familiar pain and embracing what He has to offer as we walk through these days. He promises the hard days won't last forever, for that I praise Him, too!
Here is a song that has encouraged a die hard Pollyanna this week, may it make your heart a little lighter:
I am told it can be quite annoying to those people who are not of the Pollyanna type. Sorry.
But even Pollyannas have their days. That is why I am so grateful that God knows we will have these times and understands. He lets us know that He is not leaving us stranded in the sadness or despair that can grip us like a theif in the night.
He gives us courage to stand, Faith to believe, Friends to pray with, Love to carry us through, arms to hold us, and his grace to carry us through. The hard part is letting go of the familiar pain and embracing what He has to offer as we walk through these days. He promises the hard days won't last forever, for that I praise Him, too!
Here is a song that has encouraged a die hard Pollyanna this week, may it make your heart a little lighter:
Lyrics: I know it seems like this could be The darkest day you’ve known But believe you me the God of strength Will never let you go He will overcome I know And the arms that hold the universe Are holding you tonight You can rest inside It’s gonna be alright And the voice that calmed the raging sea Is calling you His child So be still and know He’s in control He will never let you go Through many dangers Toils and snares You have already come His grace has brought you save this far And His grace will lead you home And the arms that hold the universe Are holding you tonight You can rest inside It’s gonna be alright And the voice that calmed the raging sea Is calling you His child So be still and know He’s in control He will never let you go You can hope You can rise You can stand He’s still got the whole world in His hands You can hope You can rise You can stand He’s still got the whole world The whole world in His hands And the arms that hold the universe Are holding you tonight You can rest inside It’s gonna be alright And the voice that calmed the raging sea Is calling you His child So be still and know He’s in control He will never let you go He will never let you go He’s still got the whole world in His hands In His hands He’s still got the whole world in His hands Written by Steve Fee |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking about where my roots are.
Without question, I am a child of the South....except for a few years in Kentucky, I am a Southern girl through and through ( Some people even consider Kentucky a part of the South.. ).
Last night, there was a great program on the History channel about the language we use, the dialects, the music, Faith, football, food, and our way of life. Of course, it did have to end with a country singer cursing..(how lame is that?)
I've been reading a book about some of our trying times, how we have been unkind to one another, but also have loved each other through those days.
But today, I want to talk about our unique sayings. They don't really "fly" when they need explanation, so they don't always travel well. But for those of us who have a story for everything, and love a good saying, here we go:
-Already told you about these:
"Cute as a speckled puppy under a red wagon"
"if you lived here you'd be home now"
-"she would argue with a signpost"
--Daddy said that about me more than once!
-"Rode hard and put up wet.'
You look more tired than a race horse-and just as bad!
-"Heebie jeebies"
person or thing that gives you the chills
-"Short end of the stick"
you got a bad deal on what ever it was (i.e, looks, a fight, a bet, etc.)
-"Half cocked."
Don't go raising sand until you get all of the information
-"Two peas in a pod"
made for each other
-"Don't let your mouth overload your behind"
One of my favorites, don't promise more than you can deliver
-"Water off a duck's back"
whatever the situation, you didn't let it get to you, it just rolled right off of you
-"I declare"
oh my!
- “He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on
the way down.”
no explanation needed-but not nice!
-“Finer that frogs’ hair.”
feeling good
-“That puts a hitch in my giddy-up"
makes you feel good!
-"Don't act above your raising"
Don't act stuck up, because we all know where you came from
-“If I was any happier I’d be twins.”
-"When the Lord said nose, I thought he said rose so I picked the biggest one I could find"
my Daddy's favorite!
This list is by no means exhaustive or complete! Let's keep it going and add your favorite sayings! Should be fun! Expressions, Southern or not, send them on!
Without question, I am a child of the South....except for a few years in Kentucky, I am a Southern girl through and through ( Some people even consider Kentucky a part of the South.. ).
Last night, there was a great program on the History channel about the language we use, the dialects, the music, Faith, football, food, and our way of life. Of course, it did have to end with a country singer cursing..(how lame is that?)
I've been reading a book about some of our trying times, how we have been unkind to one another, but also have loved each other through those days.
But today, I want to talk about our unique sayings. They don't really "fly" when they need explanation, so they don't always travel well. But for those of us who have a story for everything, and love a good saying, here we go:
-Already told you about these:
"Cute as a speckled puppy under a red wagon"
"if you lived here you'd be home now"
-"she would argue with a signpost"
--Daddy said that about me more than once!
-"Rode hard and put up wet.'
You look more tired than a race horse-and just as bad!
-"Heebie jeebies"
person or thing that gives you the chills
-"Short end of the stick"
you got a bad deal on what ever it was (i.e, looks, a fight, a bet, etc.)
-"Half cocked."
Don't go raising sand until you get all of the information
-"Two peas in a pod"
made for each other
-"Don't let your mouth overload your behind"
One of my favorites, don't promise more than you can deliver
-"Water off a duck's back"
whatever the situation, you didn't let it get to you, it just rolled right off of you
-"I declare"
oh my!
- “He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on
the way down.”
no explanation needed-but not nice!
-“Finer that frogs’ hair.”
feeling good
-“That puts a hitch in my giddy-up"
makes you feel good!
-"Don't act above your raising"
Don't act stuck up, because we all know where you came from
-“If I was any happier I’d be twins.”
-"When the Lord said nose, I thought he said rose so I picked the biggest one I could find"
my Daddy's favorite!
This list is by no means exhaustive or complete! Let's keep it going and add your favorite sayings! Should be fun! Expressions, Southern or not, send them on!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Need a "Fill Up"
Finally! Everyone is married. Another beautiful wedding, more time with family and friends!
A beautiful Bride, A beautiful groom, picture perfect shower, rehearsal dinner wedding and reception....everyone got home safely..and it is the "day-after-the-day-after"!
There are a few things I am pondering:
...that you can be more tired than you ever thought possible...again!
....That your eyes can hurt from laughing and crying
...that your cheek muscles can ache!
...That it's really not the end of the world if you don't wear pantyhose to your son's wedding! I sure am glad my Mama didn't see that!
...that even though you left lots of stuff at the wedding destination, more stuff comes home!
...that there are marvelous people in this life who, because of their thoughtfulness make your life not only bearable, but joyful....who consider others' needs before their own...always! I love you!
....That no matter how long it is between visits with your can pick right up where you left off!
...that the sons who needed you so much yesterday, don't need you so much today...and it's really okay when they are blessed with wonderful wives..and another family, too!
...That now, we really are leaving the Wiregrass in our rearview window for a season.
...that you really love your husband and can't wait to focus on him watch out!
...that the God who put all of the wonderful events of our lives together, will carry us through the "days-after-the-days-after" I love the thought of Him carrying us through our complete exhaustion.
..That I am so glad He knows His plan for us, now that the gnome hats are in shreds, and another chapter is closing.
The Summer of the traveling Hamilgnomes has come to a wonderful end!
Thanks for treaveling with us!
Happy Monday from Alabma's Eastern Shore...
A beautiful Bride, A beautiful groom, picture perfect shower, rehearsal dinner wedding and reception....everyone got home safely..and it is the "day-after-the-day-after"!
There are a few things I am pondering:
...that you can be more tired than you ever thought possible...again!
....That your eyes can hurt from laughing and crying
...that your cheek muscles can ache!
...That it's really not the end of the world if you don't wear pantyhose to your son's wedding! I sure am glad my Mama didn't see that!
...that even though you left lots of stuff at the wedding destination, more stuff comes home!
...that there are marvelous people in this life who, because of their thoughtfulness make your life not only bearable, but joyful....who consider others' needs before their own...always! I love you!
....That no matter how long it is between visits with your can pick right up where you left off!
...that the sons who needed you so much yesterday, don't need you so much today...and it's really okay when they are blessed with wonderful wives..and another family, too!
...That now, we really are leaving the Wiregrass in our rearview window for a season.
...that you really love your husband and can't wait to focus on him watch out!
...that the God who put all of the wonderful events of our lives together, will carry us through the "days-after-the-days-after" I love the thought of Him carrying us through our complete exhaustion.
..That I am so glad He knows His plan for us, now that the gnome hats are in shreds, and another chapter is closing.
The Summer of the traveling Hamilgnomes has come to a wonderful end!
Thanks for treaveling with us!
Happy Monday from Alabma's Eastern Shore...
Monday, August 8, 2011
While you slept...
Tonight as i watch you sleep on the couch (a rarity nowdue to time age and distance), I am thinking about a million things. I am thinking of all the nights I have done this before.
There were the nights when I rocked you, and sang to you, and stroked your head.
There were nights when I checked your breathing...just to make sure.
There were nights when daddy and I prayed over you
There were nights when I woke you up to give you medicine, and to rebandage your wounds.
There were also nights when I prayed you were really asleep and not just fooling me.
There were nights I sneaked in your room to put laundry away trying not to wake you.or Caleb.
There were nights, I prayed your brother wouldnt wake you, because it took you so long to get to sleep.
There were nights that I saw you smiling in your sleep and wondered what your secret really was.
There were nights when you fell asleep with your bible on your bed,
There were other nights you fell asleep with your headphones on, your phone in your ear, and the cat at your feet.
There were nights with tear stains on your pillows...not many though.
There were many nights when I wondered who you would marry and what path your life would take.
There were nights with company when you never went to sleep!
There were nights when you were so excited about "tomorrow" that you couldn't sleep!
All of those nights are priceless to me now. Times that a mother cherishes, time with just she and her child.;
But now, That part of my life really is over. The love of your life will watch you sleep from now on. She will calm you, take care of you and share your days and nights from here it should God ordains!
..A man shall leave his mother and a woman shall leave her home.
Good night, Andrew my son, Sleep well!
There were the nights when I rocked you, and sang to you, and stroked your head.
There were nights when I checked your breathing...just to make sure.
There were nights when daddy and I prayed over you
There were nights when I woke you up to give you medicine, and to rebandage your wounds.
There were also nights when I prayed you were really asleep and not just fooling me.
There were nights I sneaked in your room to put laundry away trying not to wake you.or Caleb.
There were nights, I prayed your brother wouldnt wake you, because it took you so long to get to sleep.
There were nights that I saw you smiling in your sleep and wondered what your secret really was.
There were nights when you fell asleep with your bible on your bed,
There were other nights you fell asleep with your headphones on, your phone in your ear, and the cat at your feet.
There were nights with tear stains on your pillows...not many though.
There were many nights when I wondered who you would marry and what path your life would take.
There were nights with company when you never went to sleep!
There were nights when you were so excited about "tomorrow" that you couldn't sleep!
All of those nights are priceless to me now. Times that a mother cherishes, time with just she and her child.;
But now, That part of my life really is over. The love of your life will watch you sleep from now on. She will calm you, take care of you and share your days and nights from here it should God ordains!
..A man shall leave his mother and a woman shall leave her home.
Good night, Andrew my son, Sleep well!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Gnome hats mended and suitable for travel once again....
One week from today the wedding festivities start....All Hamiltons will be in motion or will soon be arriving at the exact destination. How much fun that will more more time together.
Trying really hard not to get lost in the details...but to enjoy this time of celebration. Andrew and Faith..One more Mrs. Hamilton. Finally, the girls will outnumber the boys...I have waited many years for this day! Thanks to Miss Layla, we are in the lead!
But seriously, There couldn't be much that is more thrilling than to have your child find the happiness that will make his life complete on Earth. To begin a new home filled with love, Faith (both kinds) , love, hope and dreams.
Thank you, Lord, for answering yet another prayer prayed from a porch swing long ago,
It swings again!
Trying really hard not to get lost in the details...but to enjoy this time of celebration. Andrew and Faith..One more Mrs. Hamilton. Finally, the girls will outnumber the boys...I have waited many years for this day! Thanks to Miss Layla, we are in the lead!
But seriously, There couldn't be much that is more thrilling than to have your child find the happiness that will make his life complete on Earth. To begin a new home filled with love, Faith (both kinds) , love, hope and dreams.
Thank you, Lord, for answering yet another prayer prayed from a porch swing long ago,
It swings again!
Monday, August 1, 2011
I really didn't know what that was until the last few years. It is a person of fame or celebrity that we may look or act like.
I have a friend who reminds me of Julia Roberts. People used to tell my husband he favored Robert Urich, the late actor. Anyone ever told you that you remind them of someone famous?
The older I get, the more afraid that I am going to resemble someone I don't want to "be like". We have been watching old seasons of "Everybody Loves Raymond". I am terrified that someone will tell me that I remind them of Marie Barrone! Or Aunt Bea from Andy Griffith! Somebody once told me that I talked like her! :(
In reality, we would all like to be doppleganger's of someone good looking, young and cool! Or at least someone with talent!
Do you ever look at pictures of yourself and only see the worst version of you and think, "Is that what other people see all the time when they look at me?" Heaven forbid!
Just musing today, friends. Why are we so hard on ourselves? I don't know.
I guess we should all really want to have the same "Doppleganger". The one whose image we should all want to be like, the one who we should strive to for today, and everyday, I hope Jesus is my Doppleganger!
I have a friend who reminds me of Julia Roberts. People used to tell my husband he favored Robert Urich, the late actor. Anyone ever told you that you remind them of someone famous?
The older I get, the more afraid that I am going to resemble someone I don't want to "be like". We have been watching old seasons of "Everybody Loves Raymond". I am terrified that someone will tell me that I remind them of Marie Barrone! Or Aunt Bea from Andy Griffith! Somebody once told me that I talked like her! :(
In reality, we would all like to be doppleganger's of someone good looking, young and cool! Or at least someone with talent!
Do you ever look at pictures of yourself and only see the worst version of you and think, "Is that what other people see all the time when they look at me?" Heaven forbid!
Just musing today, friends. Why are we so hard on ourselves? I don't know.
I guess we should all really want to have the same "Doppleganger". The one whose image we should all want to be like, the one who we should strive to for today, and everyday, I hope Jesus is my Doppleganger!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Another day..not hardly!
As I looked at my to "to do" list today, I thought, well, a list of things to do that are pretty mundane, until I saw this one item, " Rehearsal Dinner invitations". By itself, it is just an item on a list, but as I sat down to do this one item and began addressing the envelopes, I realized what blessings are around the corner, again. We have the privilege of seing our second son, marry a wonderful woman. The opportunity to have our last child marry in front of family and friends.
He, not unlike his brothers has brought much love and joy into our lives. As a child, he kept us laughing, kept us watchful, and definitely kept us on our toes. There were times when we wondered if he would make it to this day!
Every family with more than one child has one of these; the daredevil! The one who takes the bumps, bruises and stitches for everyone else! We worried, we fretted, but Andrew, you didn't! You just charged into life "head on"...ready to have some fun! We are so happy that you outgrew this title, and have made it safely to adulthood!
Dad and I and everyone else can now breathe a sigh of relief! But more that that, we are so happy that you have kept your sense of joy and wonder and found someone wonderful to share it with! I know as you continue on in your life, you will share this joy with others!
So, as one of the last tasks as Mother of the Groom is nearing completion, I am so happy to relive a little bit of the joy and pleasure it was to be your mom and have a front row seat in the window of your life!
Love, Mom!
He, not unlike his brothers has brought much love and joy into our lives. As a child, he kept us laughing, kept us watchful, and definitely kept us on our toes. There were times when we wondered if he would make it to this day!
Every family with more than one child has one of these; the daredevil! The one who takes the bumps, bruises and stitches for everyone else! We worried, we fretted, but Andrew, you didn't! You just charged into life "head on"...ready to have some fun! We are so happy that you outgrew this title, and have made it safely to adulthood!
Dad and I and everyone else can now breathe a sigh of relief! But more that that, we are so happy that you have kept your sense of joy and wonder and found someone wonderful to share it with! I know as you continue on in your life, you will share this joy with others!
So, as one of the last tasks as Mother of the Groom is nearing completion, I am so happy to relive a little bit of the joy and pleasure it was to be your mom and have a front row seat in the window of your life!
Love, Mom!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
As we have previously established, I am no good at waiting....Those verses that tell me to "wait on the Lord" are difficult to read at best and even more diffuicult to follow. That really came home to me yesterday. I had a scheduled appointment with the cable/internet company between the hours of 12 and 5 p.m. So, I was at home waiting.
These days I am home anyway. It is not a big deal...but I was waiting for something. Well, you guessed it. At 5:40 no one had not arrived. So we left the house. Still no internet and I "wasted" the whole day. Why am I so impatient? Don't really know. But it made me take a look at myself. People have to wait on me. They wait on me while I am in line. My family waits for me to be the last one in the car. My sons hate to go to Walmart with me because I take too long. Now I am sure this cable guy(or girl) had a reason for not showing. Although I am anxious to hear it, I am sure there was a good reason.
When I am waiting for an answer from God for something, I get tired of waiting too. But it made me think, does He spend days waiting on me to come and ask Him for the solution, or at the very least help with the solution? He's not the cable guy, and He is not me, thank Heaven, but He is the one I need to worry about waiting for, and also the One whom I should not keep waiting!
Happy Satuday from an alternate internet site!
These days I am home anyway. It is not a big deal...but I was waiting for something. Well, you guessed it. At 5:40 no one had not arrived. So we left the house. Still no internet and I "wasted" the whole day. Why am I so impatient? Don't really know. But it made me take a look at myself. People have to wait on me. They wait on me while I am in line. My family waits for me to be the last one in the car. My sons hate to go to Walmart with me because I take too long. Now I am sure this cable guy(or girl) had a reason for not showing. Although I am anxious to hear it, I am sure there was a good reason.
When I am waiting for an answer from God for something, I get tired of waiting too. But it made me think, does He spend days waiting on me to come and ask Him for the solution, or at the very least help with the solution? He's not the cable guy, and He is not me, thank Heaven, but He is the one I need to worry about waiting for, and also the One whom I should not keep waiting!
Happy Satuday from an alternate internet site!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Today, I want to talk about my other sister, Linda. As I said, I have two sisters and both are amazing women. You met Annie last week, and now, I want to introduce you to Linda.
Linda is my middle sister. Poor thing, she has always taken the abuse heaped on her my Annie and myself with such grace and dignity. From food fights, to gross medical conversations, to just plain old sibling meanness. I really do love you, ya know!
She is artistic where I am not. If I like something, I just like it. I can't tell you why or how it is made, I just like it. She is a student of the arts, and a creator. I like order and neatness and balance, she can take chaos and make it look magical and cool and whimsical... I love plants that perform and bloom. She likes growing, planting, sharing and arranging flower beds. Her flower gardens are worthy of Southern Living Magazine. Mine are just lucky to be living. She is thoughtful, giving and way more patient and willing to be adventurous than I. I remember nearly 15 years ago when her son wanted an iguana, they took it on with ZEST! Reptar was a cute 12 inch lizard then. Now he is a 3 foot monster! A sweet one, but a monster none the less!
She is crazy about antiques, and pictures and family history and old things, and is the keeper of the family's past...Me, I am just learning to appreciate those things, but not with the same passion.
She also loves with her whole heart and would give of herself to help anyone. Now that I am older, I see how much she has been a part of my support system all of my life. From taking care of me when daddy was sick and all of the times Mama couldn't, to helping me through the tough times and tragedies in my own life. Mama said I took my first steps to her. She has survived her own share of heartache and is standing strong, too!
We couldn't be more different in our appearance, our personalities and our likes and dislikes, but there are ways that we are very much alike, and God knew we needed each other to make our lives work! I am glad he knows us better than we know ourselves!
She is a great wife, and awesome mom and the thing I am most proud of is to call her "Sister."
I love you, Sis!
Linda is my middle sister. Poor thing, she has always taken the abuse heaped on her my Annie and myself with such grace and dignity. From food fights, to gross medical conversations, to just plain old sibling meanness. I really do love you, ya know!
She is artistic where I am not. If I like something, I just like it. I can't tell you why or how it is made, I just like it. She is a student of the arts, and a creator. I like order and neatness and balance, she can take chaos and make it look magical and cool and whimsical... I love plants that perform and bloom. She likes growing, planting, sharing and arranging flower beds. Her flower gardens are worthy of Southern Living Magazine. Mine are just lucky to be living. She is thoughtful, giving and way more patient and willing to be adventurous than I. I remember nearly 15 years ago when her son wanted an iguana, they took it on with ZEST! Reptar was a cute 12 inch lizard then. Now he is a 3 foot monster! A sweet one, but a monster none the less!
She is crazy about antiques, and pictures and family history and old things, and is the keeper of the family's past...Me, I am just learning to appreciate those things, but not with the same passion.
She also loves with her whole heart and would give of herself to help anyone. Now that I am older, I see how much she has been a part of my support system all of my life. From taking care of me when daddy was sick and all of the times Mama couldn't, to helping me through the tough times and tragedies in my own life. Mama said I took my first steps to her. She has survived her own share of heartache and is standing strong, too!
We couldn't be more different in our appearance, our personalities and our likes and dislikes, but there are ways that we are very much alike, and God knew we needed each other to make our lives work! I am glad he knows us better than we know ourselves!
She is a great wife, and awesome mom and the thing I am most proud of is to call her "Sister."
I love you, Sis!
Monday, July 18, 2011
I am amazed at all of the people that God has strategically placed in our lives.
Family, being the first! He really does bless us beyond measure. From siblings, to parents, to spouses to children. He lets us see reflections of Himself and ourselves in the same being. We are so fortunate to see the blessings and the flaws in each person. To have those people to share all of life with. The people who are closest and dearest to us. To get our corny jokes, to give and receive hugs and love and to share our joy and pain!
Friends! What a gift. You have some friends that walk through most of your life with you, and you have others that are only given to you for a certain season. but He makes no mistake in who He sends your way for each season. When you are weak, He sends strong people to walk beside you and hold you up. When you are feeling stronger, He gives you someone to do the same for. The problem is, we just don't take time to look sometimes. To notice the gifts we have been given.
Don't feel alone. He has given each of us people within our grasp to walk beside us. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to open up, accept the outstretched hand or stretch out ours in return.
Family, being the first! He really does bless us beyond measure. From siblings, to parents, to spouses to children. He lets us see reflections of Himself and ourselves in the same being. We are so fortunate to see the blessings and the flaws in each person. To have those people to share all of life with. The people who are closest and dearest to us. To get our corny jokes, to give and receive hugs and love and to share our joy and pain!
Friends! What a gift. You have some friends that walk through most of your life with you, and you have others that are only given to you for a certain season. but He makes no mistake in who He sends your way for each season. When you are weak, He sends strong people to walk beside you and hold you up. When you are feeling stronger, He gives you someone to do the same for. The problem is, we just don't take time to look sometimes. To notice the gifts we have been given.
Don't feel alone. He has given each of us people within our grasp to walk beside us. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to open up, accept the outstretched hand or stretch out ours in return.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
what to do with a Saturday??
It's amazing the difference employment makes to a weekend. I've been unemployed for less than a month, now. It's really different. When I was working I lived for that golden day, the day called Saturday. I always had more planned on Saturdays than I could do in 10, but I loved it. Saturdays are always fun days, but when you have a whole week to do your projects and activities, it leaves you with the nagging question...What to do on Saturdays???? I am not sure. So, the slower pace leaves me wondering what to do, but I will figure it out!
In the scale of issues, questions or concerns, this one gets a rating in the negative numbers!! It is a good problem to have, and until I am gainfully employed again, it is one I will enjoy pondering!
Happy Saturday, my friends!
In the scale of issues, questions or concerns, this one gets a rating in the negative numbers!! It is a good problem to have, and until I am gainfully employed again, it is one I will enjoy pondering!
Happy Saturday, my friends!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
High Rise Monsters!
I was thinking how easy it is to let something magnify at night. You can have something major on your mind that is rightfully huge and overwhelming and you think, "if I could just go to sleep, I wouldn't have to think about it for awhile." So you lie down, but sleep tricks you, it doesn't come, and whatever you were dwelling on grows from a mole hill to a sandcastle, to a condo, to a high rise, to the Empire State Building and then finally Mount Everest! Ever been there?
I have a friend who had a cure for her kids when they thought they saw monsters in their rooms at night. She had a spray bottle with a cool label she made that said "Monster Spray". She sprayed it all around their rooms, and POOF-- the monsters were gone and they promptly went to sleep!
I know, we as adults don't have "high rise monster spray" per se, but we do..and we all know it! How hard is it so stop making our minds stop building and to turn it over? I am a pastor's wife for pete's sake! Just let it go, hand it over to the one who has the answers... and it IS true, there is "Joy in the morning". Not as easy as it sounds, huh? But it has to be done to receive it! It is not always the giddy kind of joy we would love to have, but the joy of knowing we made it through another night, we handed it over and we know the One who brought us through to see another day will be the One who can handle our Mountains!
I have a friend who had a cure for her kids when they thought they saw monsters in their rooms at night. She had a spray bottle with a cool label she made that said "Monster Spray". She sprayed it all around their rooms, and POOF-- the monsters were gone and they promptly went to sleep!
I know, we as adults don't have "high rise monster spray" per se, but we do..and we all know it! How hard is it so stop making our minds stop building and to turn it over? I am a pastor's wife for pete's sake! Just let it go, hand it over to the one who has the answers... and it IS true, there is "Joy in the morning". Not as easy as it sounds, huh? But it has to be done to receive it! It is not always the giddy kind of joy we would love to have, but the joy of knowing we made it through another night, we handed it over and we know the One who brought us through to see another day will be the One who can handle our Mountains!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My Sister
I have been blessed with two sisters. They are both amazing women. Today, I want to talk about my oldest sister. Most people know her as Anna Jean. I call her Annie. Always have, always will.
Annie is a person that most people would overloook..for about 30 seconds. She is not "put together" in the worldly sense, she doesn't have the things that would turn your head. She gets notcies from the city when her wild flowers get out of control, she wears funny shoelaces and dresses for every holiday including, but not limited to groundhog day. But she amazes me daily. She has no boundries, which is frustrating to those of us who love her. But when I think about it, neither did Jesus or Mother Theresa. She just LOVES..with her whole heart. By "no boundries," I mean, She is a refuge for any one in need. I can't tell you all of the teenagers, adults, and even family members that have used her home as a place of solace and rest. If you needed a dime and she had only one, it would be yours. She even let a homeless man spend cold winter nights in her garage for a number of years. She is in the healthcare profession, and she can always be counted on for comfort to the dying, bubbles for the kids (of all ages) and a pocket full of balloons and confetti.
She is about to retire from the career that she has loved for nearly 40 years in all. She will be missed for comfort, care, a listening ear, for calming children, for praying with families and late night hospital visits long after her shift is over. But she is not finished yet. Her new ministry will be to make blankets for stillborn babies, deceased infants and children.
When she was a young girl, she dreamed of going to the mission field, far far away. She went, but she never went far from where she was born, and I dare say, she has made a difference in this mission field.
She doesn't much care what the world says about her, but she is loved anyway. She doesn't care for the praise of people, but there is one praise she will hear loudly and strong, that she has lived her life for, and that praise is "Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!" But somehow, I know she won't be resting!
Love you, Sis
Annie is a person that most people would overloook..for about 30 seconds. She is not "put together" in the worldly sense, she doesn't have the things that would turn your head. She gets notcies from the city when her wild flowers get out of control, she wears funny shoelaces and dresses for every holiday including, but not limited to groundhog day. But she amazes me daily. She has no boundries, which is frustrating to those of us who love her. But when I think about it, neither did Jesus or Mother Theresa. She just LOVES..with her whole heart. By "no boundries," I mean, She is a refuge for any one in need. I can't tell you all of the teenagers, adults, and even family members that have used her home as a place of solace and rest. If you needed a dime and she had only one, it would be yours. She even let a homeless man spend cold winter nights in her garage for a number of years. She is in the healthcare profession, and she can always be counted on for comfort to the dying, bubbles for the kids (of all ages) and a pocket full of balloons and confetti.
She is about to retire from the career that she has loved for nearly 40 years in all. She will be missed for comfort, care, a listening ear, for calming children, for praying with families and late night hospital visits long after her shift is over. But she is not finished yet. Her new ministry will be to make blankets for stillborn babies, deceased infants and children.
When she was a young girl, she dreamed of going to the mission field, far far away. She went, but she never went far from where she was born, and I dare say, she has made a difference in this mission field.
She doesn't much care what the world says about her, but she is loved anyway. She doesn't care for the praise of people, but there is one praise she will hear loudly and strong, that she has lived her life for, and that praise is "Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!" But somehow, I know she won't be resting!
Love you, Sis
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Empty Nest, full heart!
Well, today the last of the Hamiltons pulled out of the driveway.
Quite a welcoming committee. We moved to Fairhope on June 27th and are just now, tonight, spending our first night alone here.
Our boys and their families have taken turns getting us settled and have helped us get accustomed to our new surroundings. The last of the tail lights left this morning and here we are...alone!
I guess we really are "empty nesters" now. In about a month, the last Hamilton son will be married, and although we will be home base in a way, we will not have any seasonal residents, as we have during college breaks, etc. They will each have a home.
How did it happen so fast? Don't know. Are we ready? Not as ready as my washer and dryer!.... but adjusting to the "comings and goings" instead of "comings and stayings"!
Daddy always said, "If you lived here, you'd be home now". I guess there are with certainty two of us that "live here" now!
Thanks guys and girls for the welcoming party! For the love, help and devotion!
Can't wait to see you all next month! Another blessed occaision, another fine day! another reason for lots of hugs and gnome hats!
Love, Mama!
Quite a welcoming committee. We moved to Fairhope on June 27th and are just now, tonight, spending our first night alone here.
Our boys and their families have taken turns getting us settled and have helped us get accustomed to our new surroundings. The last of the tail lights left this morning and here we are...alone!
I guess we really are "empty nesters" now. In about a month, the last Hamilton son will be married, and although we will be home base in a way, we will not have any seasonal residents, as we have during college breaks, etc. They will each have a home.
How did it happen so fast? Don't know. Are we ready? Not as ready as my washer and dryer!.... but adjusting to the "comings and goings" instead of "comings and stayings"!
Daddy always said, "If you lived here, you'd be home now". I guess there are with certainty two of us that "live here" now!
Thanks guys and girls for the welcoming party! For the love, help and devotion!
Can't wait to see you all next month! Another blessed occaision, another fine day! another reason for lots of hugs and gnome hats!
Love, Mama!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The box...oh that box
Today, I have been at a loss for words. Something has happened that is amazing to us, probably not to anyone else, but definitely to us.
Before I could compose my blog, a guest writer stepped up and did it for me! Enjoy Marty's thoughts. Heather
I have been reminded of God's promises in a small but tangible way this morning. During our move to Fairhope, we lost a box. The box contained trinkets and mementos of Heather and my life. It had no real monetary value but the emotional value was priceless to us. We knew the movers didn't have it, we knew that it had not been donated to the Rescue Mission, and had not been left behind in Dothan. We had searched through every empty box, dug through the garbage, and finally resolved ourselves to believe that it was simply gone. We had done everything we knew to do. Except turn it over to God. So last night, just before bed, as I was praying, I asked God to restore the box to us. This morning we received a phone call from our son who just moved to Huntsville. He had our box. Somehow it had been packed with his things instead of on our moving truck. I was immediately reminded of the widow who upon finding her lost coin invited her friends over to celebrate. A found box that had inadvertently gone in a different direction may not seem like much to you but to us it was an answer to prayer and further proof that the God of all creation loves us and has good things in store for us. --Marty
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Just so you know, my granddaughter swims like a fish.
Today we went to the pool and those little legs never stopped kicking. For a slightly out of shape Nana, I must say she gave me quite a workout!
WE were splashing and twirling and floating, and her mom said, "Isn't it hard to believe that her daddy is old enough to have a little girl for you to play with?...Yes, was the answer! But this is way more fun!!! I worry a whole lot less with her, and get all the benefits.
Today, besides having a girl day, my benefit was having a great workout, and a little flashback to tossing her daddy across the pool, and Flash forward to lots of sweet girl hugs!
Love from a tired Nana in Fairhope!
Today we went to the pool and those little legs never stopped kicking. For a slightly out of shape Nana, I must say she gave me quite a workout!
WE were splashing and twirling and floating, and her mom said, "Isn't it hard to believe that her daddy is old enough to have a little girl for you to play with?...Yes, was the answer! But this is way more fun!!! I worry a whole lot less with her, and get all the benefits.
Today, besides having a girl day, my benefit was having a great workout, and a little flashback to tossing her daddy across the pool, and Flash forward to lots of sweet girl hugs!
Love from a tired Nana in Fairhope!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Saturdays are the same at any Walmart anywhere...crowded.
I must say that getting unpacked and getting settled takes longer at my age than it did a few years ago.
I guess that's why all the commotion in Walmart on any Saturday exhausts me.
Also, I am a little forgetful these days. Need haircolor..okay. I found it. ...need bananas...ok, got em, oops, forgot soap, back over by the, for lunchmeat, oops, forgot tylenol, well, you get the idea. Forgetful plus tired, plus disorganized makes you want to have a meltdown in walmart!!!!! AND then, you have to walk around all of the people who know what they want, or have to stop to decide!!! aaahhh! Just a little melt down, that's all.
On the bright side, it has been great having two of my awesome kids and one daughter-in-law here to help, and Then our oldest and his awesome family come on Monday to welcome us and hang out. We can't wait!
My sweet hubby is ready for his first sermon in his new church..hope he doesn't preach on patience or Walmart! It seemed to me today that my trip was more like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness!
Love to everyone!! Happy Fourth!
I must say that getting unpacked and getting settled takes longer at my age than it did a few years ago.
I guess that's why all the commotion in Walmart on any Saturday exhausts me.
Also, I am a little forgetful these days. Need haircolor..okay. I found it. ...need bananas...ok, got em, oops, forgot soap, back over by the, for lunchmeat, oops, forgot tylenol, well, you get the idea. Forgetful plus tired, plus disorganized makes you want to have a meltdown in walmart!!!!! AND then, you have to walk around all of the people who know what they want, or have to stop to decide!!! aaahhh! Just a little melt down, that's all.
On the bright side, it has been great having two of my awesome kids and one daughter-in-law here to help, and Then our oldest and his awesome family come on Monday to welcome us and hang out. We can't wait!
My sweet hubby is ready for his first sermon in his new church..hope he doesn't preach on patience or Walmart! It seemed to me today that my trip was more like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness!
Love to everyone!! Happy Fourth!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
So tired.....
The gnome hat has faded, it has a little tear, and I had a hook all picked out for it, but we have just one more trip this summer.
The pile of boxes is diminishing, the dog has arrived, Almost all of the children have been to check out our new home, and I have almost found my way to Bruno's and back.
No internet at home yet, but that's okay, I get to go to McDonalds and check my email and have a Strawberry is good.
Miss my friends at home......ready to meet new friends....but thanking God for a little "down time".
So for now, I am listening to the radio a lot, tinking of you all and unpacking boxes...
Stitching up the gnome hat and getting ready for a new day...
Love, from Fairhope
Mama Hamil"gnome"
The pile of boxes is diminishing, the dog has arrived, Almost all of the children have been to check out our new home, and I have almost found my way to Bruno's and back.
No internet at home yet, but that's okay, I get to go to McDonalds and check my email and have a Strawberry is good.
Miss my friends at home......ready to meet new friends....but thanking God for a little "down time".
So for now, I am listening to the radio a lot, tinking of you all and unpacking boxes...
Stitching up the gnome hat and getting ready for a new day...
Love, from Fairhope
Mama Hamil"gnome"
Monday, June 27, 2011
Twenty Four years ago today.....
I was holding the most awesome little boy with blonde hair and big blue eyes and I fell head over heels in love...he was my son.
Well, of course he was his daddy's son, too but at that moment, the world stopped turning and there were only two people in that room. This gorgeous child, and an ill-prepared woman whom he would depend on to meet all of his needs.
If I ever needed God's wisdom and grace it was in that moment...and he delivered.
Did I feel bet, was I scared? terrified, but alone, no way. God gives us children to be blessings to us, to care for and to love. He let me know that as long as his father and I provided love and guidance, and entrusted this child back to Him, that he would do the rest. .."train up a child."
It has been a wonderful 24 years, you are an awesome man, a great husband and a spectacular father. We are amazed daily by your wisdom, love and integrity.
Thank you for calling me Mom. I love you! Happy, Happy Birthday, JOSHUA!
Well, of course he was his daddy's son, too but at that moment, the world stopped turning and there were only two people in that room. This gorgeous child, and an ill-prepared woman whom he would depend on to meet all of his needs.
If I ever needed God's wisdom and grace it was in that moment...and he delivered.
Did I feel bet, was I scared? terrified, but alone, no way. God gives us children to be blessings to us, to care for and to love. He let me know that as long as his father and I provided love and guidance, and entrusted this child back to Him, that he would do the rest. .."train up a child."
It has been a wonderful 24 years, you are an awesome man, a great husband and a spectacular father. We are amazed daily by your wisdom, love and integrity.
Thank you for calling me Mom. I love you! Happy, Happy Birthday, JOSHUA!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I can't find it......Where is it?
Okay, I put it down somewhere, I know it's here...Ahhh, there it is, the little red gnome hat ready for travel once again. I thought I taped it up in a box somewhere but I didn't. Let me put it on one more time.
So, today is the day. The day we have been working towards for quite awhile. The day that we leave the safety and love and feeling of home and family we have in the Wiregrass for parts unknown. Putting "home" in the rearview mirror is always hard...But getting the opportunity to call somewhere else "home" and to serve somewhere else will be a blessing too.
So, off go the Hamil"gnomes" the time this summer is over, our odometer will read 200,000 miles, our hearts will be full, but hopefully we will have a hook in the kitchen to rest the pointy red hats on for awhile. A little dust on them won't be a bad thing.
But for now, hats on, reporting for duty, ready to serve.....for the promise of a new day!
From somewhere in South Alabama.....signing off for a day or two....Mama Hamil"gnome"
So, today is the day. The day we have been working towards for quite awhile. The day that we leave the safety and love and feeling of home and family we have in the Wiregrass for parts unknown. Putting "home" in the rearview mirror is always hard...But getting the opportunity to call somewhere else "home" and to serve somewhere else will be a blessing too.
So, off go the Hamil"gnomes" the time this summer is over, our odometer will read 200,000 miles, our hearts will be full, but hopefully we will have a hook in the kitchen to rest the pointy red hats on for awhile. A little dust on them won't be a bad thing.
But for now, hats on, reporting for duty, ready to serve.....for the promise of a new day!
From somewhere in South Alabama.....signing off for a day or two....Mama Hamil"gnome"
Thursday, June 23, 2011
There are all kinds of doors. Solid ones, ornate doors with beautiful windows, revolving doors, swinging doors, automatic doors, french doors and I'm sure plenty more that I haven't thought of.
Been thinking about doors lately. They either keep or allow things or people in, or let them out. Or they can even keep people our things out. I think our hearts function a lot like doors in many ways.
If someone approaches our heart we have the choice to let them in or leave them outside. Everytime you let someone in, you take a risk. You give them access to your emotions, your feelings and the very heart of who you are. You take that risk to let them see you at your best, your worst and everything in between.
However, you also take a risk by not letting someone in your heart. You may miss out on a blessing. The blessing of encouragement, love, frienship, and the joy of living life together.
A huge part of how we give access has to do with who is in the house when we make that decision. You may decide that you have enough people with access to your heart, you may decide that you don't want to take a risk again. But, I promise you this, if the One who loves us more than anything is in your house when the knock comes, you won't mind giving access to others. After all, it didn't go so bad when you let Him in, did it?
I have chosen to live my life like a french door. I try to be inviting, letting people in as they approach.
Have I gotten hurt? Yes. but that is a part of the journey. But I have someone in my living room, to bandage the wounds, love me completely, and to keep me from putting up the ugly, solid, uninviting door. Have I been blessed beyond measure by those whom I have given access? In more ways than I have words for!
Don't be afraid to give access....don't be afraid to let someone in....Sometimes, people have to leave, but the things they leave behind are part of the decor that is the home of your heart..
"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts, as you trust in Him, your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17
What kind of door are you?
Been thinking about doors lately. They either keep or allow things or people in, or let them out. Or they can even keep people our things out. I think our hearts function a lot like doors in many ways.
If someone approaches our heart we have the choice to let them in or leave them outside. Everytime you let someone in, you take a risk. You give them access to your emotions, your feelings and the very heart of who you are. You take that risk to let them see you at your best, your worst and everything in between.
However, you also take a risk by not letting someone in your heart. You may miss out on a blessing. The blessing of encouragement, love, frienship, and the joy of living life together.
A huge part of how we give access has to do with who is in the house when we make that decision. You may decide that you have enough people with access to your heart, you may decide that you don't want to take a risk again. But, I promise you this, if the One who loves us more than anything is in your house when the knock comes, you won't mind giving access to others. After all, it didn't go so bad when you let Him in, did it?
I have chosen to live my life like a french door. I try to be inviting, letting people in as they approach.
Have I gotten hurt? Yes. but that is a part of the journey. But I have someone in my living room, to bandage the wounds, love me completely, and to keep me from putting up the ugly, solid, uninviting door. Have I been blessed beyond measure by those whom I have given access? In more ways than I have words for!
Don't be afraid to give access....don't be afraid to let someone in....Sometimes, people have to leave, but the things they leave behind are part of the decor that is the home of your heart..
"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts, as you trust in Him, your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17
What kind of door are you?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I couldn't did that happen?
Okay, so I went to bed last night in my 40's, this morning I woke up not in my 40's anymore,and it happened...I began to unravel just a little bit!!
I kissed my husband goodbye, he told me that I might want to go by McDonald's and get my Senior Citizen's coffee, I thought, "Hmmph, in a little less than 10 months, he's gonna get it!!!!!!" So, I head to work, contemplating the new decade of my life that I just
woke up in. I thought, "Coffee is for old folks, I'll stop and get a Dr. Pepper at the gas station. I'll just show him." I promptly get out of the car, go inside, pay for my gas and "cool" Dr. pepper, and ooops... I did it! Something I haven't done in at least 20 years. I locked not only my keys but my phone AND my keys in the car at the gas pump! How is that for embarrasing? I had to go in and ask to borrow their phone, and admit to the man I love more than anything that I had a very big "Senior moment". Of course he rescued me, he always does, but when he unlocked the door, he said, "I'm just not quite sure how that happened." I didn't answer, but when I got home, He told me that it wouldn't have happened if I'd gotten my Sr. coffee!! Ahhhhh!! Not nice!
But, then I got to thinking, I found this purse I really liked at a store that offers a 50+ discount...this getting older might not be a bad thing after all.
Tomorrow, I will activate my AARP card, go shopping and enjoy being 50 which is the new 40, or 30 or whatever.
Good night, friends. I am going to find my keys and my phone and put them in a safe place!!!!! I may even get a free coffee on my way to work...I'll go through the drive through and that way nothing gets locked in the car!!!
Sleep tight!
I kissed my husband goodbye, he told me that I might want to go by McDonald's and get my Senior Citizen's coffee, I thought, "Hmmph, in a little less than 10 months, he's gonna get it!!!!!!" So, I head to work, contemplating the new decade of my life that I just
woke up in. I thought, "Coffee is for old folks, I'll stop and get a Dr. Pepper at the gas station. I'll just show him." I promptly get out of the car, go inside, pay for my gas and "cool" Dr. pepper, and ooops... I did it! Something I haven't done in at least 20 years. I locked not only my keys but my phone AND my keys in the car at the gas pump! How is that for embarrasing? I had to go in and ask to borrow their phone, and admit to the man I love more than anything that I had a very big "Senior moment". Of course he rescued me, he always does, but when he unlocked the door, he said, "I'm just not quite sure how that happened." I didn't answer, but when I got home, He told me that it wouldn't have happened if I'd gotten my Sr. coffee!! Ahhhhh!! Not nice!
But, then I got to thinking, I found this purse I really liked at a store that offers a 50+ discount...this getting older might not be a bad thing after all.
Tomorrow, I will activate my AARP card, go shopping and enjoy being 50 which is the new 40, or 30 or whatever.
Good night, friends. I am going to find my keys and my phone and put them in a safe place!!!!! I may even get a free coffee on my way to work...I'll go through the drive through and that way nothing gets locked in the car!!!
Sleep tight!
Monday, June 20, 2011
The chapel
One of the extreme privileges I have had the last 5 years is to work less that 75 feet from one of the most beautiful chapels in the vicinity. It is not the main sanctuary of this beautiful church, but it is a quiet, holy place tucked away from the noise, and business of life.
It is a place of respite for those who are in need of comfort, who are devastated, whose lives are forever altered, for those who are struggling, searching, questioning, or for those of us who may sometimes just need a "time out"!
God does not disappoint. He meets each person there, He tenderly loves, quietly listens, reveals Himself in ways only He can do, and He holds us in his arms, or lets us recline against His chest, feel His heartbeat and know that He is in control....a shelter in the storm, a rest for the weary and an "attitude adjuster" for those in need of a "time out"!

Thank you, Lord
It is a place of respite for those who are in need of comfort, who are devastated, whose lives are forever altered, for those who are struggling, searching, questioning, or for those of us who may sometimes just need a "time out"!
God does not disappoint. He meets each person there, He tenderly loves, quietly listens, reveals Himself in ways only He can do, and He holds us in his arms, or lets us recline against His chest, feel His heartbeat and know that He is in control....a shelter in the storm, a rest for the weary and an "attitude adjuster" for those in need of a "time out"!
Thank you, Lord
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fathers and Daughters, Fathers and Sons
Today is Father's Day. What a bittersweet day. I only had daddy for 17 years, but somehow daddy knew that he had to pack a lot in those few short years. I am so grateful for all the life lessons he gave me in that short amount of time. I learned things that are the very thread of who I am. I learned what it is like to have a Godly father, who showed me the love of the most perfect father, and for that I will always be thankful. There is a place in my heart, that only a daddy can fill.
But the blessings don't end there. My husband is a remarkable father. He loves his children with his whole heart and always puts them first. As our sons are now adults, I truly see the imprint he has left on each of their lives. He is not only their father, but he is their closest ally. There is a place in their hearts that only a Father can fill.
Then, there is my son Josh. What a father he is. I see the same look in his eyes when he is with his sweet daughter that I have seen before, first with daddy, then with his daddy. She loves her daddy with her whole heart and he loves her just as much. Her heart has a place that is just for her daddy!
We may live in an imperfect world. Because we are human we do things that are not always right, we make mistakes and sometimes we are just wrong. But one of the most perfect types of love we have in this world, is the love of a Godly father.
Thank you God, for the examples of fatherly love in my life. Praise to You this Father's day
But the blessings don't end there. My husband is a remarkable father. He loves his children with his whole heart and always puts them first. As our sons are now adults, I truly see the imprint he has left on each of their lives. He is not only their father, but he is their closest ally. There is a place in their hearts that only a Father can fill.
Then, there is my son Josh. What a father he is. I see the same look in his eyes when he is with his sweet daughter that I have seen before, first with daddy, then with his daddy. She loves her daddy with her whole heart and he loves her just as much. Her heart has a place that is just for her daddy!
We may live in an imperfect world. Because we are human we do things that are not always right, we make mistakes and sometimes we are just wrong. But one of the most perfect types of love we have in this world, is the love of a Godly father.
Thank you God, for the examples of fatherly love in my life. Praise to You this Father's day
Friday, June 17, 2011
"Two months"
Two months....A small facebook post, two words only, but what a great amount of meaning those two words hold!
Andrew, our oldest twin and his financee both posted those words this week. Wow! less than two months and our family increases yet again!
What a wonderful thought! Another joyous time is coming. They are so excited and so are we...More wedding preparations, more excitement and joy for a new home and union God is creating.
We are blessed beyond measure....First each other, then sons, now Daughters in law and a grandbaby.... one day more! It is hard sometimes to take it all in.
Thank you Lord for all of your blessings...wrapped in gnome hats, porch swings, pretty dresses and fancy tuxes and the faces of friends, family and loved ones. You are amazing!
Let the Summer of 2011 continue....
Andrew, our oldest twin and his financee both posted those words this week. Wow! less than two months and our family increases yet again!
What a wonderful thought! Another joyous time is coming. They are so excited and so are we...More wedding preparations, more excitement and joy for a new home and union God is creating.
We are blessed beyond measure....First each other, then sons, now Daughters in law and a grandbaby.... one day more! It is hard sometimes to take it all in.
Thank you Lord for all of your blessings...wrapped in gnome hats, porch swings, pretty dresses and fancy tuxes and the faces of friends, family and loved ones. You are amazing!
Let the Summer of 2011 continue....
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Aunt Gladys
Aunt Gladys was my only aunt on my daddy's side. I loved her so much. She was not a "girly girl". Her idea of fun was to hook up her boat to her trailer, drive to her fish camp on the river and fish. Just like any other true woman of the South, she could cook a buffet for 20 people every Sunday, make sweet tea like none other, and grow the most amazing azaleas, hydrangeas, and daylillies you have ever seen...she was also at her church everytime the doors were open. She loved her parents, and siblings with all her heart, and my daddy, her baby brother was crazy about her. So was I. Her whole family was crazy about her and never wandered more that a block or two away from her for most of their lives.
She was always smiling or laughing. She told the best stories about her mischevious childhood. I never once heard her complain, and when she hugged you, you knew it because it took you two or three minutes to breathe again.
After Daddy died and I went off to school, I didn't see her nearly as much, but there was never a Christmas, or an occaision that we didn't get a card or a gift. I don't know if I ever told her how much that meant.
She wasnt fancy, but she did everything with her whole heart. Aunt Gladys always was a sign of constancy and stability to everyone in her life. She passed away about 4 years ago, now. She was in her late 90's and was graceful even in her leaving. Her life wasn't easy, she was weathered, but to look in her blue eyes, you saw the joy of a child and the love of Jesus.
I believe that in Heaven we will be reunited with those that have gone before us. I can't wait to see the smile on her face as she hugs me tight and says, "Come on in sug, your daddy and me just caught some fish today, wanna stay for supper? let me get ya some tea!"
Love you, Aunt Gladys!
She was always smiling or laughing. She told the best stories about her mischevious childhood. I never once heard her complain, and when she hugged you, you knew it because it took you two or three minutes to breathe again.
After Daddy died and I went off to school, I didn't see her nearly as much, but there was never a Christmas, or an occaision that we didn't get a card or a gift. I don't know if I ever told her how much that meant.
She wasnt fancy, but she did everything with her whole heart. Aunt Gladys always was a sign of constancy and stability to everyone in her life. She passed away about 4 years ago, now. She was in her late 90's and was graceful even in her leaving. Her life wasn't easy, she was weathered, but to look in her blue eyes, you saw the joy of a child and the love of Jesus.
I believe that in Heaven we will be reunited with those that have gone before us. I can't wait to see the smile on her face as she hugs me tight and says, "Come on in sug, your daddy and me just caught some fish today, wanna stay for supper? let me get ya some tea!"
Love you, Aunt Gladys!
Monday, June 13, 2011
American Pickers...where are you?...and by the way, where is the cleaning fairy?
I love the concept of this show. It's about these two guys who travel across the country and stop at the homes of random people and ask to dig through their barns or junk sheds. They find these priceless treasures and offer rock-bottom prices, and then resell the stuff for more. Depending on the value of the stuff, "rock-bottom" isn't always so bad.
I don't have a barn or a junk house, but I am moving and pitching junk. I wish they'd show up at my house and find some priceless treasure that I could barter for...It would make this whole packing mess seem like a treasure hunt! Well...a girl can dream, can't she?
The other fun thing about moving is realizing that you are not as neat and clean as you think. I wish I had a "cleaning fairy" to come and clean under and behind some of my furniture. I mean, really, how often do you pull out your piano, or your refrigerator to clean around it.. Yuck!!!!!
All in all, moving is a reality check. It tells most people two things...the first is that they are collectors of "stuff" and, the second is that, most of us are a bit messy in places where no one can see.
I can't wait to get everything clean, and straight, get rid of some junk and start all over again! Come on, Pickers and cleaning fairies...I need you!
I don't have a barn or a junk house, but I am moving and pitching junk. I wish they'd show up at my house and find some priceless treasure that I could barter for...It would make this whole packing mess seem like a treasure hunt! Well...a girl can dream, can't she?
The other fun thing about moving is realizing that you are not as neat and clean as you think. I wish I had a "cleaning fairy" to come and clean under and behind some of my furniture. I mean, really, how often do you pull out your piano, or your refrigerator to clean around it.. Yuck!!!!!
All in all, moving is a reality check. It tells most people two things...the first is that they are collectors of "stuff" and, the second is that, most of us are a bit messy in places where no one can see.
I can't wait to get everything clean, and straight, get rid of some junk and start all over again! Come on, Pickers and cleaning fairies...I need you!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
"Marking" Babies
I was about ten or 11 when I went to the Methodist Church across the street from my church with my sister for a concert. You see, there were two good looking young college boys from Asbury College (before it was Asbury University) who were singing and preaching their way across the Southeast trying to raise tuition money for the next year. Well, as I recall, they sang pretty good and all the girls were laughing at their corny jokes, and crying at their message. But, there is only one thing they said that night that I will never forget.
They told this story of a Missionary woman in China that had to go to the mountain stream to get water for her family every day. She was pregnant, and on her way up the mountain she saw it....the biggest, blackest, bear you have ever seen! She was terrified, she left her wagon and the buckets and ran just as far as she could to the bottom of the mountain and back home to her family. She calmed down, and everything seemed to be okay, and then, the baby was born.....
There she was, a cute little baby girl, with pretty blue eyes, blonde hair, ten fingers, ten toes, and oh couldn't be...the bear had left it's mark.....she had little "bear" feet!!!!
I know, corniest joke EVER....
but I think there is something to "marking" babies as the old folks say. When my oldest son was born, we decorated his room with clowns. Clowns everywhere. big ones, little ones, seashell clowns, ceramic clowns, clown lamps, clown bedding, get the picture!
I didn't find out till many years later that he is terrified of clowns. Maybe I "marked" him. Who knows? My mom ate onions like they were apples when she was pregnant with me? Do I like onions? Never have!
Think about it....Have you been marked? have you "marked" your child?
I know it is really only an old wives tale, but sometimes, the coincidences are astounding!
We all know we are set apart and marked by Jesus, to be His and do his will, whether it is in bare feet, in a clown ministry or chopping onions when we don't like them
How are you marked?
They told this story of a Missionary woman in China that had to go to the mountain stream to get water for her family every day. She was pregnant, and on her way up the mountain she saw it....the biggest, blackest, bear you have ever seen! She was terrified, she left her wagon and the buckets and ran just as far as she could to the bottom of the mountain and back home to her family. She calmed down, and everything seemed to be okay, and then, the baby was born.....
There she was, a cute little baby girl, with pretty blue eyes, blonde hair, ten fingers, ten toes, and oh couldn't be...the bear had left it's mark.....she had little "bear" feet!!!!
I know, corniest joke EVER....
but I think there is something to "marking" babies as the old folks say. When my oldest son was born, we decorated his room with clowns. Clowns everywhere. big ones, little ones, seashell clowns, ceramic clowns, clown lamps, clown bedding, get the picture!
I didn't find out till many years later that he is terrified of clowns. Maybe I "marked" him. Who knows? My mom ate onions like they were apples when she was pregnant with me? Do I like onions? Never have!
Think about it....Have you been marked? have you "marked" your child?
I know it is really only an old wives tale, but sometimes, the coincidences are astounding!
We all know we are set apart and marked by Jesus, to be His and do his will, whether it is in bare feet, in a clown ministry or chopping onions when we don't like them
How are you marked?
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