I was thinking how easy it is to let something magnify at night. You can have something major on your mind that is rightfully huge and overwhelming and you think, "if I could just go to sleep, I wouldn't have to think about it for awhile." So you lie down, but sleep tricks you, it doesn't come, and whatever you were dwelling on grows from a mole hill to a sandcastle, to a condo, to a high rise, to the Empire State Building and then finally Mount Everest! Ever been there?
I have a friend who had a cure for her kids when they thought they saw monsters in their rooms at night. She had a spray bottle with a cool label she made that said "Monster Spray". She sprayed it all around their rooms, and POOF-- the monsters were gone and they promptly went to sleep!
I know, we as adults don't have "high rise monster spray" per se, but we do..and we all know it! How hard is it so stop making our minds stop building and to turn it over? I am a pastor's wife for pete's sake! Just let it go, hand it over to the one who has the answers... and it IS true, there is "Joy in the morning". Not as easy as it sounds, huh? But it has to be done to receive it! It is not always the giddy kind of joy we would love to have, but the joy of knowing we made it through another night, we handed it over and we know the One who brought us through to see another day will be the One who can handle our Mountains!
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