I learn what's cool by seeing "what's trending", I wait eagerly each morning to see what everyone's "elf on the shelf" did last night; I check Pinterest to see what cool things my friends are making, and I am amazed at what just a few more pixels will do. I am stunned at how much "i deserve", or how much I am worth, in the eyes of advertisers. I feel like I just sit in front of a screen and receive all of the interaction, affirmation and ideas I need for a successful life without ever actually having to address anyone or anything. I am truly becoming "the master of my own universe". I can order online, ship packages and never have to say "Merry Christmas" to a living soul. Do I really need anyone or anything else?
Then last Friday happened. Some tortured soul brought an act of violence so unspeakable and so evil into a place of hope and life; a school, and took the lives of 26 people and finally his own life. What a horrific day for all of us...It reminded us that we are not "the masters of our own universe". It reminded us that we are certainly not in control of our own destiny and furthermore, we were not created to walk through this world alone. We are in need of a Savior. The burdens of this world are to great, the evil is too strong and the nights are too dark to live apart form the comfort of our Savior's arms. We also need the gift of love and encouragement that He gives each of us to share with others. You don't get that from "more pixels", or Pinterest, or the newest I-pad.
Many years ago, there was also evil in this world. The nights were dark and long and the oppression was unspeakable. People were killed for saying the wrong thing, or not saying the right thing. They lived in fear of a strong- armed government, and it was then that God decided His people needed a Savior. He chose a young girl and her carpenter husband to travel a road many would not have chosen to bring salvation for all of us. Because of their commitment and obedience, their willingness to give up their rights to be "masters of their own universe," our lives are continually blessed. Because of that Journey from Nazareth to a stable in Bethlehem there is light in even the darkest corners of this world and in our lives. Evil may have had a foothold for a moment, Satan may have thought he had a victory for a while. But because of a baby born in a stable who won the ultimate victory, evil did not triumph. Stories of protection and grace and sacrifice and love poured forth from this horror. Christ is alive in the hearts of His people. He is at every funeral, wiping every tear and proving himself faithful in this outpouring of love and grace as people step away from their ipads, and pixels and cling to the "God of all comfort", and acknowledge the need for a Savior. He is there as He watches His people hold one another close and whisper the words of comfort He gave us so long ago into another's ears. The burden is too great to handle on our own, and in His arms we find the perfect place to rest and His shoulders the perfect place to place our burdens.
This year, more than ever, I am so grateful for the road Mary and Joseph took, I am so grateful for God's plan to save us that began in a stable. I am so grateful that at the end of it all...victory is won and there will be no more weeping, or sickness or death and Christ Himself will wipe away every tear!
"Silent Night, Holy Night,
Son of God, Love's pure light,
Radiant beams from Thy Holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth,
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth."
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