A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Friday, February 8, 2013

"It just goes to show ya...."

When I was young and sassy, one of my favorite characters was "Roseanne Rosannadanna"  played by Gilda Radner of the original Saturday Night Live gang.  She was a very spunky nerd!  She really didn't care if she wore funny clothes, talked loud, had absurd observations about people and here is where I related to her the most:  She had really big, really frizzy hair!  I felt such a kinship with this off beat girl and one of the things I loved about her the most was that she closed every  skit with,
"It just goes to show ya...It's always something!"

When she said, " It just goes to show ya...", It reminds me of all the times that I thought I had it right, The times I just knew what I knew and what I knew was right.  Case in point:  I just thought I knew how much my husband loves me, but in recent months, I have learned that I didn't know at all, he loves me infinitely more than I could have ever imagined! " It just goes to show ya" how wrong I've been.  "It just goes to show ya..." that family is family and love abounds.  It grows and with it are more opportunities to love and to learn.  I am so blessed....

It just goes to show ya..I thought that my heart was so full when I was a young mother.  My husband, my boys and I, but Roseanne was right again, It just goes to show ya that there is so much more, My heart is about to burst somedays when I think of how full my life is with children and grandchildren, and wonderful daughters-in-law...

I thought I knew when life would begin and end...but wrong again, "It just goes to show ya" .  About a year ago, I wrote a blog about my mother's pending death.  But she is still here.  See, I'm not God, I'm not always right, and only He knows when she is ready to go.  Why?  probably to show me something about life, or saying goodbye, or softening my heart, or bringing our family closer to her, but I'm learning that I am not nearly as smart as I thought I was."

As she also said

It is always something!  There is always the next thing. We think we have one area of our lives settled in and then, there is something else.  It may be a good something or a trying something, but there is" always something".  Throughout my entire life, I just wished for normal and peaceful, but often that was not to be..but looking back, those "always somethings" have resulted in a multitude of blessings!  That is where life happens, the "always somethings". No, you didn't plan a job loss, but you learn something along the way, No you didn't plan an illness, but God is there in the "always somethings",  and that is where we learn. And pretty soon what remains is not the pain, but the lessons that define our character and become a part of the fiber of our being. 

There are also "always somethings" that just teach us not to take ourselves too seriously.  Like getting your skirt stuck in your underpants after you go to the bathroom and walking around that way.
Or getting your words tangled up and forgetting the words to the "Star Spangled banner" as a soloist  or  wearing two different shoes to work...It's always somthing.  One of her sayings was "It just goes to show ya, its either a fingernail in your hamburger or toilet paper clinging to your shoe"  Neither one of those were life threating, gross..yes...less than sanitary, yes.....downright funny later (the TP on the shoe, anyway), of course!

SO, not to trivialize hardships, and not to make light of our wounded pride, I just wanted to throw this out there, when its so easy to make small things big and big things bigger:

Rosanne Rosannadanna, you got it right, Girl!

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