A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I am amazed at all of the people that God has strategically placed in our lives.

Family, being the first!  He really does bless us beyond measure.  From siblings, to parents, to spouses to children.  He lets us see reflections of  Himself and ourselves in the same being.  We are so fortunate to see the blessings and the flaws in each person. To have those people to share all of life with.  The people who are closest and dearest to us.  To get our corny jokes, to give and receive hugs and love and to share our joy and pain!

Friends! What a gift.  You have some friends that walk through most of your life with you, and you have others that are only given to you for a certain season.  but He makes no mistake in who He sends your way for each season.  When you are weak, He sends strong people to walk beside you and hold you up.  When you are feeling stronger, He gives you someone to do the same for. The problem is, we just don't take time to look sometimes. To notice the gifts we have been given.

Don't feel alone. He has given each of us people within our grasp to walk beside us.  Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to open up, accept the outstretched hand or stretch out ours in return.

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