Very few occupations have a day set aside to appreciate them. But if you think about it, they are not the easy ones. Mother's Day, Father's Day, President's Day, and the one we celebrate today; Pastor Appreciation Day.
Pastors have played a very important role in my life. From my earliest memories, Pastors have guided, corrected, loved, chastised and encouraged me in my walk with Christ. They have married, buried, confirmed, discipled and nurtured my family as well. They are not perfect, only mere mortals who have accepted the mantle of service and devotion that Christ placed on their lives. God is so cool, because he sent each one at the appropriate time. We also have many friends in the ministry, Godly men and women who walk humbly before their Parish and the world every day. Living life with people whom they will come to view as family.
There is one minister with whom I am very well acquainted. For nearly 29 years he has been my best friend. For nearly 28 of those years he has been my husband. Do I appreciate him? You bet! But I did even before he was someone's minister. Do I think he should have a special day? He probably would disagree, but I think he should. More than anyone, I know his heart for love, servanthood and compassion. I know his passion for Christ and his heart for his people. I know the holidays he gives up, the tears he has shed, the sleep he has missed, the events he has missed, the hurts he has endured and beyond all that, the joys, blessings and triumphs he experiences because of this road.
If you have a minute today, send a facebook message, e-mail, letter or a phone call to a Pastor you appreciate. I think I'll go and do that right now!
Blessings on your day!
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