The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
The term "empty nest" implies that the kids have left and Mama and Papa bird are at the same place, just waiting for those birds to come back home. Well, we have left the nest too, and built one in a different tree. I know birds have an awesome sense of direction, and even the ones that don't have GPS thingies, and can find us at anytime (you always do), I also know we can go and see your nests too...but that doesn't help today.
I truly am glad that you have your own nests and are singing in your own branches
But today.....
I miss my birds and their pretty wives and sweet baby(ies)
I know when Andy and Opie let the baby birds Winken, Blinken and Nod go, the trees looked full, but today, I would rather have a full nest!
I am glad the holidays are coming and we can see you soon.
So for now, I will get the home nest by the waters ready...because you have given me plenty to sing about!
Missing you all,
MB (Mama Bird, Mama, Mom, Nana)
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