It makes me think...this beautiful yellow fruit is in crazy abundance, but only for a season. Am I bearing fruit in my life, but only for a season?
Trying to pick them is deadly! I never knew that Lemon trees had one inch thorns all around the fruit. I guess it is God's way of protecting them until they are ready to pick. Does He protect us in our less than useful days from harm and ruin, until we are ready to be useful for Him?
By themselves they are really hard to eat, but when placed with other ingredients, they are wonderful! I could drink sweet tea with lemon all day long! Are we meant to add flavor and color and enhance the lives of others? Are we meant to be a garnish.... Not the main ingredient? It gives me something to think about, maybe some of us are simply meant to make others shine, and that is okay!
As I said, they are not very tasty by themselves. They need a little sugar, or sweetener to be absolutely tasty! I know that by myself, I am anything but sweet! I need the love of Christ, and the support of Godly people in my life to make me useful to him, otherwise, I just leave a sour taste for those in my presence!
Thank you Lord for the abundant reminder of your presence in my life to day!
So, pucker up and live abundantly today, I will!
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