A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two ears, one mouth...

I've been thinking this week about all the wisdom I (we) that work with children impart on a daily basis! But do I ever take any of it to heart?  Hardly ever, okay?

So here are some of those jewels that have come back to haunt me, lately:

1.  "You should listen more and talk less, because God gave you two ears and one mouth!"

2. " Sit up straight"

3. " Don't be ugly to her, she didn't do anything to you, now did she?"

4.  "If it is a tattle, Don't say it!"

5.  "Smile, it is so much easier to smile than to frown!!!"

6.  "Since we are feeling grumpy today, let's just stop what we are doing and dance!"

There are also things I wish someone would say to me:

1. "You need a time out!"  I think just 10 minutes with my head down would make me feel better!

2. " It's time to lie down and take a nap, you have played really hard today!"  how nice that would be1

3.  "If you sit really quietly and follow directions, you will get a treat! "  I love treats!

4.  "You did a good job eating everything on your plate!"  Yeah, like I need to hear that one!

5.  "Do you need a potty break?"  Why yes, I do!

6. "Come here, a hug will make it all better!"  Of course it will!

7.  "Let's sing Jesus loves me, He really does, ya know???!!!"

From a little box chair, at a little computer stand in a little classroom with little children!  Have a wonderful, blessed,childlike day

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