Christmas is such a time to rejoice..not for our circumstances, good or bad, not for our temporary "joy". I think that after half a century I am finally getting it. When we think of our Savior's birth, we rejoice in the Joy that defines us. The joy in hearts that that baby brought, that ultimately brought our Salvation. The Joy that allows us to rejoice in the Lord always, not just when we feel like it, not just when we are "up", but the Joy that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. The joy that comes from knowing that each day is a gift, that we have the ability to rejoice in all things because we know how the story ends.
This Christmas, I will find Joy in the celebration of His birth,
The smiles of my loved ones,
The quiet moments in front of the tree
The Carols sung loudly and often,
The promises read in scripture
The smiles on children's faces
The comfort that there is more that we can see today
The quiet whisper in the candlelight beckoning us along with Him to "Sleep in Heavenly peace"
.....Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I say rejoice!
Joy to the world, the LORD has come.
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