A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Palm Sunday...

I have always loved this particular Sunday in the life of the church.  It is such a celebration.. of joy, of life, of the holiness of Christ, and the exuberance of children! All seems as it should be...for a time.  In just a few short days, the joy of Palm Sunday is just a distant memory.  What a lesson in forgiveness I learn from Palm Sunday. Jesus knew exactly how He was going to be treated, exactly what those same fans would be doing less than a week later, but He chose to let them cheer Him and jeer Him in equal measure.   How would I have been?  would I have cheered, or jeered or both?  He could have refused the parade being prepared in the presence of His executioners; But He didn't.  He could have refused the betrayal, the trial and the execution; but he didn't .  He chose to forgive the most horrible behaviors mankind can exhibit.  If He can forgive so much, who am I to hold on to the petty?  If he can love and forgive in the face of the ultimate betrayal, who am I to withhold affection, grace, charity or love?  Who am I to think that I am not in need of forgiveness by others or by Christ?
humbling day, indeed.  He chose to ride, He chose to wave, He chose to forgive. and He chose to die.  My life will never be enough to repay that  sacrifice, my forgiveness is not mine to withhold, neither is my love.

Thank you for choosing to ride.....The next time won't be on a lowly donkey..it will be as the King of Kings and the Lord of  Lords coming to take us home!

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest...

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