I wonder how many times a day we say that word. I just don't know. We are consumed with the wedding and upcoming marriage of our son and his wonderful fiance.
We talk about decorations, we talk about food, we talk about outfits, we talk about the ceremony and plants, and honeymoon packing and food at our house and gifts and family coming in and the list goes on and on and on!!!!!!
But one night this week, Caleb and Krista were going through childhood pictures for the rehearsal dinner and let me look at the pictures they selected, and without fail, like any good mother, I saw them, and immediately was transported back in time. Back to the time when he was an infant, when he was dependent on me and his daddy for everything. I look at those pictures and know this is another time to let go. To joyfully let go, to smile, to cry and for us to joyfully celebrate the new family they will form.
We have known her for many years, too. She has grown from a sweet young lady to a beautiful young woman. We are blessed...
We have done this once before...letting a son go to a wonderful young woman, I thought it would be easier this time...it is familiar, it is joyful, and it is still not without tears!
Blessings abound with the tears! Let the fun begin!!!!
Enjoy it Heather, tears and all. Love you!!! ;)