In the great world of working with children there are certain things you can count on:
1. Honesty- don't try to hide a pimple, or a sneer or a smirk! They will see it, and not very quietly point it out to you.
Example: "Ms Heather, what is that big red thing on your nose?"
2. Inability to separate the appropriate from the "not so appropriate".
Example: Ms. Ethel, My mama and daddy said you were as sour as a prune." OR "Hi Pastor Jones, Mama said we can give you coffe, or tea or coke, but she didn't tell you about the beer in the bottom drawer of the fridge."
3. Entertainment via tattling.
Example: "Ms Sara, Tony said I was a shellfish." Ms. Sara says; "Are you sure he didn't say selfish?"
4. Natural inability to be good liars.
Example: "No mama, I didn't eat the blue cupcake, too!" "Then why is there blue all over your mouth?" . "Ummm the dog ate it and licked my face."
5. Mamas can fix anything.
Example: " Liz,how are you gonna get your homework done if you are running away tonight.?" "Ms Smith, Mama will do it for me."
6. Daddies can fix things too.
Example: "Sue, how did you get those cool clips on your shoelaces?"
"My shoes wouldn't stay tied, and daddy used hair clips to keep them tied!"
7. Unwavering faith...
Example: "Please come to the chapel with me and pray so I won't be scared at school."
8. Trust
Example: "Okay, Coach, if you say you'll catch me if I jump off the diving board, I will....Just move really close to me."
9. Love
Example: "Teacher, I love you up to the moon, the stars, the sky and back down again. You are so pretty!"
10. Imagination
Example: "I have a dog named 'concrete', he keeps me safe". "I am a princess and I live in a castle." "My sister is the wicked witch." "I will turn into a pumpkin."
11. A pure heart!
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!
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