It's really a love-hate relationship. We whine about the cold days of the Winter, but then when the first 95 degree day hits, it's time for even those of us with the deepest Southern roots to remember what we're made of:
The heat ripples meet you at the front door at 7:30 in the know it's "on"...the time of year that defines us:
We become people of fewer words and more gestures..Fanning is the universal sign for
"I am mildly amused at this somewhat warm day" Yeah, right!
Wiping sweat is for sissies!
We start sniffing out farmers markets, sliced tomatoes, and watermelon!
"Extra ice" becomes a food group
Sweet Tea is available in 5 gallon buckets...for a price
There have been church splits over who controls the thermostat!!
Trendy fabrics and and clingy clothes are out....Cotton t-shirts and shorts are suddenly in style. Cotton wedding dresses are a thought......................
Flip- flops are acceptable everywhere but at the white house!
Watch where you step, even the snakes are hot!
Taking the last popsicle out of the freezer could involve crime tape!
Three showers a day is a minimum -unless you are at the beach, have a pool, or can find a sprinkler to run through!
Although we are "huggers" and affectionate by nature, we begin to be very aware of our "personal space" just to protect the air flow around us.
We plan our days around the afternoon thundershowers...
We leave towels in the car for our hot steering wheels. You can get second degree burns from a hot steering wheel.
We may talk slower, move slower , but we make it...Some say it's because we have to, others say its because we thrive on it, others say is our badge of honor..
Love it..hate it...the heat ripples arent going away, its not gonna get cool until October anyway..If we're lucky
Bring it on!!!!
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