Ok My Sons,
Now that you are all over 21, and are grown men, I guess there are a few things I need to confess to you as a mom. I really should apologize, but I feel that helping with your therapy appointments would be more effective! I really didn't mean to be such a bad mom, but in hindsight, I did the best I could! I think the wheels fell off when you out- numbered us and let us think we were in control!!!
So here goes:
1. I may have in advertantly diapered one of you three times in a night and left the other two wet until morning. Sleep deprivation does crazy things.
2. I believe that I used to wake you up at night just to make sure you were breathing!!!
3. I may have let two of you chase your brother around in your walkers and pin him in a corner a time or two. Glad you have forgiven me!
4. I apologize for letting one of you sleep in a box and when the box got too small I let you cut holes in it for your feet and arms. I thought it was adorable and took lots of pictures. You really did have a bed!
5. I did buy a little more "Santa time" when I showed you the reindeer poop in the yard. Deceptive, I know.
6. It really wasn't cool of me to try and run on the baseball field when each of you got hurt the first time. Fortunately, dad protected your "coolness" on that one!
7. I probably shouldn't have let you try out roller blades near railroad tracks!!
8. I didn't mean to yell so loud at football games, baseball games, track meets and oops, tennis matches!
9. I really shouldn't have yelled out your childhood nickname at your first gig with your band!
10. I shouldn't have let you run away. Big Brother, at least you left a map.
Little brothers, I'm glad you changed your mind when you found out Santa didn't send Christmas to a forwarding address.
11. I didn't know the rules that the chauffer was supposed to be silent when driving you and your friends to the movies. Especially the female friends!
12. I am so sorry that it took me so many years to quit buying the same outfit in 3 different colors! You were all just so darned cute dressed alike and YES I know you weren't triplets! I still have to fight doing that at Christmas!
13. I was quite certainly the worst passenger in the history of all passengers when you started driving!
14. I may have inadvertantly kissed your daddy in front of your friends...Yeah, it probably was gross when you were 9.
15. I am regretful about the guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, gerbils, lizards and frogs that did not survive our household. We did pretty good with the dogs and cats though.
16. I should be sorry that I cried at every award ceremony, graduation, confirmation, baptism, moving day, engagement day, wedding day, wedding days to come, birth of your child and births to come. I also cried everytime the band played the national anthem at every football game!
17. I know that I will forever bring up silly things about your childhood and will probably tell them over and over and you will probably just grin and bear it because you are respectful and kind young men!
I am your mom. I made a bunch of mistakes, too many to count, but you survived, thrived and always make me proud!! Thanks be to God for His protection. I know that somewhere in heaven there are three very worn out guardian angels! So, If I need to apologize for anything, it will be for my inability to let go... But I will continue to try, because I know you all have made great choices in your mates and you are in far better hands than mine!
Love, Mom
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