A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

from darkness to light....

I love the Sunshine.  When I am home, I open the blinds and they stay open from morning till night.  Overcast days drive me crazy.  When we spent a few years living in another state that had a real winter, I thought I would lose my mind from late February through the end of April.  My soul, and my body were ready for Spring.  It was" hard-wired" into me that by the end of February, we should have some warm days and lots of sun. But I also never appreciated Spring as much as I did  living in that cold climate because my every fiber felt the light so much more intensely. It  truly felt as though I were truly coming from darkness into light.

I was thinking about this today. It's Maunday Thursday.  The day Jesus had his Last Supper with His closest friends.  How the darkness must have pressed in on Him.  He knew what He had to go through, alone.  That He had to do it for His friends, His enemies, for people that hated Him and for people yet to be born.  How did He wash their feet, and break bread with them, knowing they would deny Him, betray Him, and run away?  Because He knew the end of the story. Yes, it was dark--in the next few hours it would become even darker.  So dark that the Sun would stand still and the sky would turn dark.

But that's okay, His body and soul were "hard-wired" for light, too.  The darkness wouldn't last forever, the friends that ran away would return and be even more faithful, the one that denied Him, would proclaim His name boldly.  And best of all, the grave didn't mean a thing but a place for Him to get ready for the light of a new day!

So, when you ache for the sunlight, or the Light of the Son, remember..it is in our DNA to go from darkness to light!

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