A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

By the side of the road....

There are two options on my commute each day.  The first is a four-lane highway, with trucks, and fast cars and lots of opportunities to show off your bobbing, weaving and lane-changing skills. The second is a few minutes on the four-lane and a nice drive down a two lane country highway or two.  The second is my favorite.  I can mark time, and seasons this way.  I feel like I know the people on these roads, although I don't. 

I have learned a lot about life from what goes on along the side of the road:

I know when it is time to plow and plant.  There are dust clouds and tractors, and I've traveled long enough to know if it's cotton or peanuts or corn.

I pray for the farmers when the dust rises off the fields for too long, or the fields are too soggy.

I love seeing the plants grow, and I know the seasons are going to change when they begin to harvest.

Did you know that in bad weather the cows all face the same direction?

Did you know that the buzzards will eat anything but another buzzard? Buzzard road kill stays on the road forever.

Tan house, green shutters has a blue bow...A sweet little boy is born..New car, need more room for the baby. Thank you Lord for babies.

The dialysis car isn't here everyday at 4pm, now there is a purple bow. Lord, be with their family.

Some grafitti on box cars really is quite good.  Lord, show these would be artists a great outlet for their skills.  Also, improve their spelling skills except on the bad words.

That State troopers will sometimes wave when they should give tickets! Thanks so much!

That chicken houses smell all the time! Sort of like bread and butter, huh?

That deer really are beautiful, especially when they stay on the side of the road and not on your grill.

That there is an opportunity to see God's handiwork on the side of the road that you just don't see when you are trying to pass the Mississippi License plate or the Wal-mart semi.

Thank you Lord, for slowing me down, for showing me the work of your hands, and the opportunity to consider life on the side of the road.

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