A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free Boat!!!

As I was going to work the other morning I saw a large blue boat alongside the road.  At one time it must have been the envy of the neighborhood, but now, it was just laying on it's side with "Free Boat" spray painted in white along its hull. I wouldn't have noticed it if the two guys in front of me hadn't slammed on brakes to check out this marvelous find.  On each trip this week, I have noticed the boat and at least one or two people checking it out.  Then, yesterday morning I saw spray painted under the "Free Boat" sign was a new note that read, "must take all of it"!  So, I guess people were just taking what they wanted and leaving the rest.  Kind of like a "boat buffet"! THen, finally, I saw it was rescued and moved about two houses down to a new home.  I so enjoyed watching " free" enterprise at work this week! 

I've heard it said that it is better to have a friend with a boat or a pool than to have one yourself! This is probably true....swimming and fishing are fun, but waxing the boat and skimming the pool rank right up there with clipping toenails and scrubbing toilets!  I wonder when the boat quit being useful, when it quit being the entertainment for the day, when it became such a burden that it was chunked alongside the road to be scavenged for parts. Then, I was so pleased to see that someone noticed the value of it, saw what the faded boat once was and rescued it from the scavengers!

I am so glad that when I feel like I have outlived my usefulness, or that I view myself as unimportant in the lives of my loved ones and others,  that my Owner and Creator doesn't leave me alongside the road to be scavenged.  He rescues me, sees the value in me. rescues me, and restores me to my former worth and reminds me that I am His, treasured and valued.

How grateful I am for His loving care..

..thankful for another lesson from the side of the road.

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