A special place

A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blessings come in many shapes............

So many blessings in one week...So many tears....of unabandoned  joy, and of quiet acceptance. Last Friday, the most wonderful of miracles happened! We were made grandparents again to a beautiful little 9lb 13 oz boy named Jeffrey Isaiah! You see, he is the second child of our oldest son.  Of course, he is perfect in every way just like his sister!  We were blessed enough to be able to spend a few days gazing at that gorgeous new creation and  to spend time with that sweet family.  God's blessings are amazing and astounding.

But before we could see that beautiful face, there was a task to be done, one I have dreaded for many years. As the disease that is stealing my mother's mind has progressed to her body, there was another life event that had to be attended to. Since she can no longer do even the most minimal things for herself... as she nears that shore where Jeffrey just came from, she had one more move to make...  On Saturday, my sisters and I and some other loved ones moved Mom into a full time skilled care setting.  It all seemed so final.  removing the things she once treasured so but no longer recognized....it was the full realization that this really is the final leg of a long, long journey.

So much emotion in just a few days.  On Sunday, I returned home, unpacked a suitcase, put away the memories of Saturday, and my raw emotion of that day, and packed for a brighter one...a new soul to see, a new life entering the world bringing hope and promise.  

As both a mother, and a daughter, and now a grandmother again, I feel most privileged to have had a front row seat in these wonderful lives....those leaving the shore, those returning to the shore, the ebb and flow of life.
I can hardly wait to see God's plan unfold, it is scary, exciting, and wonderful..but the best thing about it is to know, that amist the tears of joy and grief , that we are all in his care, and our destination is sure.

Thank you for all of the blessings.

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