What an awesome adventure it has been! The journey has been one with many twists and turns. The plans we were so sure of changed so many times, the vision for our future was not what the reality became. Our lives have been anything but boring, and I wouldn't have changed a single thing!
For Better or Worse..............The better always wins over the worse! THere have been enough of both days to know! Thank you for always knowing when to make me laugh!
For Richer or Poorer...............Lol! Thank heaven our love for each other is not tied to the amount of money in our bank account! Thanks for your love in "little and in much"
In sickness and in health.........In 28 years, we have seen each other through many days of health, and quite a few of sickness. What a pleasure to know you are there..always, as I will be for you...even when I won't know your name
To love and to cherish................The easiest part! Even more so today because our love is tested and has always proven true, with each passing year, I cherish you more!
Forsaking all others................forever and ever!
Till death do us part! ................just try to get rid of me!!!!!! Forever is not long enough!
What a blessing it is to have the love of a Godly man beside me for 28 years! May the next 28 be just as spectacular!
Happy Anniversary, Baby!
I love you...forever and ever