As I looked at my to "to do" list today, I thought, well, a list of things to do that are pretty mundane, until I saw this one item, " Rehearsal Dinner invitations". By itself, it is just an item on a list, but as I sat down to do this one item and began addressing the envelopes, I realized what blessings are around the corner, again. We have the privilege of seing our second son, marry a wonderful woman. The opportunity to have our last child marry in front of family and friends.
He, not unlike his brothers has brought much love and joy into our lives. As a child, he kept us laughing, kept us watchful, and definitely kept us on our toes. There were times when we wondered if he would make it to this day!
Every family with more than one child has one of these; the daredevil! The one who takes the bumps, bruises and stitches for everyone else! We worried, we fretted, but Andrew, you didn't! You just charged into life "head on"...ready to have some fun! We are so happy that you outgrew this title, and have made it safely to adulthood!
Dad and I and everyone else can now breathe a sigh of relief! But more that that, we are so happy that you have kept your sense of joy and wonder and found someone wonderful to share it with! I know as you continue on in your life, you will share this joy with others!
So, as one of the last tasks as Mother of the Groom is nearing completion, I am so happy to relive a little bit of the joy and pleasure it was to be your mom and have a front row seat in the window of your life!
Love, Mom!
A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
As we have previously established, I am no good at waiting....Those verses that tell me to "wait on the Lord" are difficult to read at best and even more diffuicult to follow. That really came home to me yesterday. I had a scheduled appointment with the cable/internet company between the hours of 12 and 5 p.m. So, I was at home waiting.
These days I am home anyway. It is not a big deal...but I was waiting for something. Well, you guessed it. At 5:40 no one had not arrived. So we left the house. Still no internet and I "wasted" the whole day. Why am I so impatient? Don't really know. But it made me take a look at myself. People have to wait on me. They wait on me while I am in line. My family waits for me to be the last one in the car. My sons hate to go to Walmart with me because I take too long. Now I am sure this cable guy(or girl) had a reason for not showing. Although I am anxious to hear it, I am sure there was a good reason.
When I am waiting for an answer from God for something, I get tired of waiting too. But it made me think, does He spend days waiting on me to come and ask Him for the solution, or at the very least help with the solution? He's not the cable guy, and He is not me, thank Heaven, but He is the one I need to worry about waiting for, and also the One whom I should not keep waiting!
Happy Satuday from an alternate internet site!
These days I am home anyway. It is not a big deal...but I was waiting for something. Well, you guessed it. At 5:40 no one had not arrived. So we left the house. Still no internet and I "wasted" the whole day. Why am I so impatient? Don't really know. But it made me take a look at myself. People have to wait on me. They wait on me while I am in line. My family waits for me to be the last one in the car. My sons hate to go to Walmart with me because I take too long. Now I am sure this cable guy(or girl) had a reason for not showing. Although I am anxious to hear it, I am sure there was a good reason.
When I am waiting for an answer from God for something, I get tired of waiting too. But it made me think, does He spend days waiting on me to come and ask Him for the solution, or at the very least help with the solution? He's not the cable guy, and He is not me, thank Heaven, but He is the one I need to worry about waiting for, and also the One whom I should not keep waiting!
Happy Satuday from an alternate internet site!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Today, I want to talk about my other sister, Linda. As I said, I have two sisters and both are amazing women. You met Annie last week, and now, I want to introduce you to Linda.
Linda is my middle sister. Poor thing, she has always taken the abuse heaped on her my Annie and myself with such grace and dignity. From food fights, to gross medical conversations, to just plain old sibling meanness. I really do love you, ya know!
She is artistic where I am not. If I like something, I just like it. I can't tell you why or how it is made, I just like it. She is a student of the arts, and a creator. I like order and neatness and balance, she can take chaos and make it look magical and cool and whimsical... I love plants that perform and bloom. She likes growing, planting, sharing and arranging flower beds. Her flower gardens are worthy of Southern Living Magazine. Mine are just lucky to be living. She is thoughtful, giving and way more patient and willing to be adventurous than I. I remember nearly 15 years ago when her son wanted an iguana, they took it on with ZEST! Reptar was a cute 12 inch lizard then. Now he is a 3 foot monster! A sweet one, but a monster none the less!
She is crazy about antiques, and pictures and family history and old things, and is the keeper of the family's past...Me, I am just learning to appreciate those things, but not with the same passion.
She also loves with her whole heart and would give of herself to help anyone. Now that I am older, I see how much she has been a part of my support system all of my life. From taking care of me when daddy was sick and all of the times Mama couldn't, to helping me through the tough times and tragedies in my own life. Mama said I took my first steps to her. She has survived her own share of heartache and is standing strong, too!
We couldn't be more different in our appearance, our personalities and our likes and dislikes, but there are ways that we are very much alike, and God knew we needed each other to make our lives work! I am glad he knows us better than we know ourselves!
She is a great wife, and awesome mom and the thing I am most proud of is to call her "Sister."
I love you, Sis!
Linda is my middle sister. Poor thing, she has always taken the abuse heaped on her my Annie and myself with such grace and dignity. From food fights, to gross medical conversations, to just plain old sibling meanness. I really do love you, ya know!
She is artistic where I am not. If I like something, I just like it. I can't tell you why or how it is made, I just like it. She is a student of the arts, and a creator. I like order and neatness and balance, she can take chaos and make it look magical and cool and whimsical... I love plants that perform and bloom. She likes growing, planting, sharing and arranging flower beds. Her flower gardens are worthy of Southern Living Magazine. Mine are just lucky to be living. She is thoughtful, giving and way more patient and willing to be adventurous than I. I remember nearly 15 years ago when her son wanted an iguana, they took it on with ZEST! Reptar was a cute 12 inch lizard then. Now he is a 3 foot monster! A sweet one, but a monster none the less!
She is crazy about antiques, and pictures and family history and old things, and is the keeper of the family's past...Me, I am just learning to appreciate those things, but not with the same passion.
She also loves with her whole heart and would give of herself to help anyone. Now that I am older, I see how much she has been a part of my support system all of my life. From taking care of me when daddy was sick and all of the times Mama couldn't, to helping me through the tough times and tragedies in my own life. Mama said I took my first steps to her. She has survived her own share of heartache and is standing strong, too!
We couldn't be more different in our appearance, our personalities and our likes and dislikes, but there are ways that we are very much alike, and God knew we needed each other to make our lives work! I am glad he knows us better than we know ourselves!
She is a great wife, and awesome mom and the thing I am most proud of is to call her "Sister."
I love you, Sis!
Monday, July 18, 2011
I am amazed at all of the people that God has strategically placed in our lives.
Family, being the first! He really does bless us beyond measure. From siblings, to parents, to spouses to children. He lets us see reflections of Himself and ourselves in the same being. We are so fortunate to see the blessings and the flaws in each person. To have those people to share all of life with. The people who are closest and dearest to us. To get our corny jokes, to give and receive hugs and love and to share our joy and pain!
Friends! What a gift. You have some friends that walk through most of your life with you, and you have others that are only given to you for a certain season. but He makes no mistake in who He sends your way for each season. When you are weak, He sends strong people to walk beside you and hold you up. When you are feeling stronger, He gives you someone to do the same for. The problem is, we just don't take time to look sometimes. To notice the gifts we have been given.
Don't feel alone. He has given each of us people within our grasp to walk beside us. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to open up, accept the outstretched hand or stretch out ours in return.
Family, being the first! He really does bless us beyond measure. From siblings, to parents, to spouses to children. He lets us see reflections of Himself and ourselves in the same being. We are so fortunate to see the blessings and the flaws in each person. To have those people to share all of life with. The people who are closest and dearest to us. To get our corny jokes, to give and receive hugs and love and to share our joy and pain!
Friends! What a gift. You have some friends that walk through most of your life with you, and you have others that are only given to you for a certain season. but He makes no mistake in who He sends your way for each season. When you are weak, He sends strong people to walk beside you and hold you up. When you are feeling stronger, He gives you someone to do the same for. The problem is, we just don't take time to look sometimes. To notice the gifts we have been given.
Don't feel alone. He has given each of us people within our grasp to walk beside us. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to open up, accept the outstretched hand or stretch out ours in return.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
what to do with a Saturday??
It's amazing the difference employment makes to a weekend. I've been unemployed for less than a month, now. It's really different. When I was working I lived for that golden day, the day called Saturday. I always had more planned on Saturdays than I could do in 10, but I loved it. Saturdays are always fun days, but when you have a whole week to do your projects and activities, it leaves you with the nagging question...What to do on Saturdays???? I am not sure. So, the slower pace leaves me wondering what to do, but I will figure it out!
In the scale of issues, questions or concerns, this one gets a rating in the negative numbers!! It is a good problem to have, and until I am gainfully employed again, it is one I will enjoy pondering!
Happy Saturday, my friends!
In the scale of issues, questions or concerns, this one gets a rating in the negative numbers!! It is a good problem to have, and until I am gainfully employed again, it is one I will enjoy pondering!
Happy Saturday, my friends!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
High Rise Monsters!
I was thinking how easy it is to let something magnify at night. You can have something major on your mind that is rightfully huge and overwhelming and you think, "if I could just go to sleep, I wouldn't have to think about it for awhile." So you lie down, but sleep tricks you, it doesn't come, and whatever you were dwelling on grows from a mole hill to a sandcastle, to a condo, to a high rise, to the Empire State Building and then finally Mount Everest! Ever been there?
I have a friend who had a cure for her kids when they thought they saw monsters in their rooms at night. She had a spray bottle with a cool label she made that said "Monster Spray". She sprayed it all around their rooms, and POOF-- the monsters were gone and they promptly went to sleep!
I know, we as adults don't have "high rise monster spray" per se, but we do..and we all know it! How hard is it so stop making our minds stop building and to turn it over? I am a pastor's wife for pete's sake! Just let it go, hand it over to the one who has the answers... and it IS true, there is "Joy in the morning". Not as easy as it sounds, huh? But it has to be done to receive it! It is not always the giddy kind of joy we would love to have, but the joy of knowing we made it through another night, we handed it over and we know the One who brought us through to see another day will be the One who can handle our Mountains!
I have a friend who had a cure for her kids when they thought they saw monsters in their rooms at night. She had a spray bottle with a cool label she made that said "Monster Spray". She sprayed it all around their rooms, and POOF-- the monsters were gone and they promptly went to sleep!
I know, we as adults don't have "high rise monster spray" per se, but we do..and we all know it! How hard is it so stop making our minds stop building and to turn it over? I am a pastor's wife for pete's sake! Just let it go, hand it over to the one who has the answers... and it IS true, there is "Joy in the morning". Not as easy as it sounds, huh? But it has to be done to receive it! It is not always the giddy kind of joy we would love to have, but the joy of knowing we made it through another night, we handed it over and we know the One who brought us through to see another day will be the One who can handle our Mountains!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My Sister
I have been blessed with two sisters. They are both amazing women. Today, I want to talk about my oldest sister. Most people know her as Anna Jean. I call her Annie. Always have, always will.
Annie is a person that most people would overloook..for about 30 seconds. She is not "put together" in the worldly sense, she doesn't have the things that would turn your head. She gets notcies from the city when her wild flowers get out of control, she wears funny shoelaces and dresses for every holiday including, but not limited to groundhog day. But she amazes me daily. She has no boundries, which is frustrating to those of us who love her. But when I think about it, neither did Jesus or Mother Theresa. She just LOVES..with her whole heart. By "no boundries," I mean, She is a refuge for any one in need. I can't tell you all of the teenagers, adults, and even family members that have used her home as a place of solace and rest. If you needed a dime and she had only one, it would be yours. She even let a homeless man spend cold winter nights in her garage for a number of years. She is in the healthcare profession, and she can always be counted on for comfort to the dying, bubbles for the kids (of all ages) and a pocket full of balloons and confetti.
She is about to retire from the career that she has loved for nearly 40 years in all. She will be missed for comfort, care, a listening ear, for calming children, for praying with families and late night hospital visits long after her shift is over. But she is not finished yet. Her new ministry will be to make blankets for stillborn babies, deceased infants and children.
When she was a young girl, she dreamed of going to the mission field, far far away. She went, but she never went far from where she was born, and I dare say, she has made a difference in this mission field.
She doesn't much care what the world says about her, but she is loved anyway. She doesn't care for the praise of people, but there is one praise she will hear loudly and strong, that she has lived her life for, and that praise is "Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!" But somehow, I know she won't be resting!
Love you, Sis
Annie is a person that most people would overloook..for about 30 seconds. She is not "put together" in the worldly sense, she doesn't have the things that would turn your head. She gets notcies from the city when her wild flowers get out of control, she wears funny shoelaces and dresses for every holiday including, but not limited to groundhog day. But she amazes me daily. She has no boundries, which is frustrating to those of us who love her. But when I think about it, neither did Jesus or Mother Theresa. She just LOVES..with her whole heart. By "no boundries," I mean, She is a refuge for any one in need. I can't tell you all of the teenagers, adults, and even family members that have used her home as a place of solace and rest. If you needed a dime and she had only one, it would be yours. She even let a homeless man spend cold winter nights in her garage for a number of years. She is in the healthcare profession, and she can always be counted on for comfort to the dying, bubbles for the kids (of all ages) and a pocket full of balloons and confetti.
She is about to retire from the career that she has loved for nearly 40 years in all. She will be missed for comfort, care, a listening ear, for calming children, for praying with families and late night hospital visits long after her shift is over. But she is not finished yet. Her new ministry will be to make blankets for stillborn babies, deceased infants and children.
When she was a young girl, she dreamed of going to the mission field, far far away. She went, but she never went far from where she was born, and I dare say, she has made a difference in this mission field.
She doesn't much care what the world says about her, but she is loved anyway. She doesn't care for the praise of people, but there is one praise she will hear loudly and strong, that she has lived her life for, and that praise is "Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into your rest!" But somehow, I know she won't be resting!
Love you, Sis
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Empty Nest, full heart!
Well, today the last of the Hamiltons pulled out of the driveway.
Quite a welcoming committee. We moved to Fairhope on June 27th and are just now, tonight, spending our first night alone here.
Our boys and their families have taken turns getting us settled and have helped us get accustomed to our new surroundings. The last of the tail lights left this morning and here we are...alone!
I guess we really are "empty nesters" now. In about a month, the last Hamilton son will be married, and although we will be home base in a way, we will not have any seasonal residents, as we have during college breaks, etc. They will each have a home.
How did it happen so fast? Don't know. Are we ready? Not as ready as my washer and dryer!.... but adjusting to the "comings and goings" instead of "comings and stayings"!
Daddy always said, "If you lived here, you'd be home now". I guess there are with certainty two of us that "live here" now!
Thanks guys and girls for the welcoming party! For the love, help and devotion!
Can't wait to see you all next month! Another blessed occaision, another fine day! another reason for lots of hugs and gnome hats!
Love, Mama!
Quite a welcoming committee. We moved to Fairhope on June 27th and are just now, tonight, spending our first night alone here.
Our boys and their families have taken turns getting us settled and have helped us get accustomed to our new surroundings. The last of the tail lights left this morning and here we are...alone!
I guess we really are "empty nesters" now. In about a month, the last Hamilton son will be married, and although we will be home base in a way, we will not have any seasonal residents, as we have during college breaks, etc. They will each have a home.
How did it happen so fast? Don't know. Are we ready? Not as ready as my washer and dryer!.... but adjusting to the "comings and goings" instead of "comings and stayings"!
Daddy always said, "If you lived here, you'd be home now". I guess there are with certainty two of us that "live here" now!
Thanks guys and girls for the welcoming party! For the love, help and devotion!
Can't wait to see you all next month! Another blessed occaision, another fine day! another reason for lots of hugs and gnome hats!
Love, Mama!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The box...oh that box
Today, I have been at a loss for words. Something has happened that is amazing to us, probably not to anyone else, but definitely to us.
Before I could compose my blog, a guest writer stepped up and did it for me! Enjoy Marty's thoughts. Heather
I have been reminded of God's promises in a small but tangible way this morning. During our move to Fairhope, we lost a box. The box contained trinkets and mementos of Heather and my life. It had no real monetary value but the emotional value was priceless to us. We knew the movers didn't have it, we knew that it had not been donated to the Rescue Mission, and had not been left behind in Dothan. We had searched through every empty box, dug through the garbage, and finally resolved ourselves to believe that it was simply gone. We had done everything we knew to do. Except turn it over to God. So last night, just before bed, as I was praying, I asked God to restore the box to us. This morning we received a phone call from our son who just moved to Huntsville. He had our box. Somehow it had been packed with his things instead of on our moving truck. I was immediately reminded of the widow who upon finding her lost coin invited her friends over to celebrate. A found box that had inadvertently gone in a different direction may not seem like much to you but to us it was an answer to prayer and further proof that the God of all creation loves us and has good things in store for us. --Marty
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Just so you know, my granddaughter swims like a fish.
Today we went to the pool and those little legs never stopped kicking. For a slightly out of shape Nana, I must say she gave me quite a workout!
WE were splashing and twirling and floating, and her mom said, "Isn't it hard to believe that her daddy is old enough to have a little girl for you to play with?...Yes, was the answer! But this is way more fun!!! I worry a whole lot less with her, and get all the benefits.
Today, besides having a girl day, my benefit was having a great workout, and a little flashback to tossing her daddy across the pool, and Flash forward to lots of sweet girl hugs!
Love from a tired Nana in Fairhope!
Today we went to the pool and those little legs never stopped kicking. For a slightly out of shape Nana, I must say she gave me quite a workout!
WE were splashing and twirling and floating, and her mom said, "Isn't it hard to believe that her daddy is old enough to have a little girl for you to play with?...Yes, was the answer! But this is way more fun!!! I worry a whole lot less with her, and get all the benefits.
Today, besides having a girl day, my benefit was having a great workout, and a little flashback to tossing her daddy across the pool, and Flash forward to lots of sweet girl hugs!
Love from a tired Nana in Fairhope!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Saturdays are the same at any Walmart anywhere...crowded.
I must say that getting unpacked and getting settled takes longer at my age than it did a few years ago.
I guess that's why all the commotion in Walmart on any Saturday exhausts me.
Also, I am a little forgetful these days. Need haircolor..okay. I found it. ...need bananas...ok, got em, oops, forgot soap, back over by the, for lunchmeat, oops, forgot tylenol, well, you get the idea. Forgetful plus tired, plus disorganized makes you want to have a meltdown in walmart!!!!! AND then, you have to walk around all of the people who know what they want, or have to stop to decide!!! aaahhh! Just a little melt down, that's all.
On the bright side, it has been great having two of my awesome kids and one daughter-in-law here to help, and Then our oldest and his awesome family come on Monday to welcome us and hang out. We can't wait!
My sweet hubby is ready for his first sermon in his new church..hope he doesn't preach on patience or Walmart! It seemed to me today that my trip was more like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness!
Love to everyone!! Happy Fourth!
I must say that getting unpacked and getting settled takes longer at my age than it did a few years ago.
I guess that's why all the commotion in Walmart on any Saturday exhausts me.
Also, I am a little forgetful these days. Need haircolor..okay. I found it. ...need bananas...ok, got em, oops, forgot soap, back over by the, for lunchmeat, oops, forgot tylenol, well, you get the idea. Forgetful plus tired, plus disorganized makes you want to have a meltdown in walmart!!!!! AND then, you have to walk around all of the people who know what they want, or have to stop to decide!!! aaahhh! Just a little melt down, that's all.
On the bright side, it has been great having two of my awesome kids and one daughter-in-law here to help, and Then our oldest and his awesome family come on Monday to welcome us and hang out. We can't wait!
My sweet hubby is ready for his first sermon in his new church..hope he doesn't preach on patience or Walmart! It seemed to me today that my trip was more like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness!
Love to everyone!! Happy Fourth!
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