I love everything about it, I love the colors, the temperature, the smells and I love everything it represents to me!
Fall is my favorite time of the year... Why do they call it Fall...what does it mean?
Here's what it I think...
When I fall down, it means that I lose control momentarily. When you find yourself falling from a little bit of height you are "free falling" --- total abandonment.
When I fall asleep, I let go of the cares of the day, the worries, the fatigue gives way to rest and respite...again, to fall is to let go.
When I fell in love, I let go of my right to control every thing about my life, without sounding like a 70's poster, We find true love when we let go of ourselves"
Watching the leaves fall from the trees, twirling and swirling in the breeze, there is nothing hindering them, they are not stuck to the trees and drooping from the summer heat. They are not spotty and brown from too much water... they are colorful and free, showing off their beautiful colors.
Sometimes, we are at our best when we are falling!
Many of my happiest memories have taken place in the Fall,
31 years ago, I met my husband and became his friend.
30 years ago, I fell in love with my husband..at a barn dance surrounded by fall leaves, pumpkins and hay bales
29 years ago, I married the love of my life!!!
SO many memories of the boys playing outside till dark, football games and soccer games and leaf piles to play in!
There is a freedom we find, in letting go, not anticipating and enjoying the beauty of fall and of falling!!! We were created for freedom in our hearts and our souls, some times its okay to fall!
Maybe, I can't fly, but as buzz light year says, "I'm falling with style"
Happy Fall Ya'll!
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