The words failure, inadequate, unlovable, heartbroken and unworthy cloud my heart and soul. Instead of trying to force a solution to appear, I need to be still and let God go ahead of me. Much easier said than done. I can't stand the fact that my best just isn't good enough and may not ever be in someone else's eyes.
This week, a freiend used some bible verses as her Facebook post. I have to admit that I often do not look up verses if they are not printed plainly for me to see, lazy huh? But for some reason, I grabbed my Bible and looked them up: It was from Proverbs and three of the verses just grabbed on to me like glue:
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Prov. 4:23
(Interpretation from the commentary of Heather: "Stop chewing on it, get your heart right."
"Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you." Prov. 4:25
(Interpretation: "You Ninny, it's not up to you, its time to move forward and get busy about the kingdom, only God can fix this".)
"Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways." Prov. 4:26
(Interpretation: "It's time to move forward, learn from the past and be faithful and authentic in all you do.")
Now, my commentary may not mean much to you, but this is the impression I felt when I read these words. I stopped, wrote them down immediately, and thanked Monty for posting them.
Here's the kicker, she said she posted from the wrong chapter...No she didn't..that was just for me!
The things I learned this week...When my best isn't good enough, His is, and that is really all I need to know.
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