"Mary, why are the men so afraid?" "I don't know Martha..we have to take care of our Lord's body, the Sabbath is past, and we shouldn't be afraid..How many times did He tell us, 'Don't be afraid', 'Fear not', He said He would always be with us." "Look, Mary, the stone is gone...the tomb is open...The guards are gone..Where is Jesus...go look in the tomb, I'm right behind you." "Martha, He's gone!!!" Look! there are angels...Where is my Jesus..?"
"Mary, where are you going?"
"Martha, there is a man over here..the gardener, maybe..".excuse me Sir...do you know where they have taken my Jesus?" "Woman, why are you looking for a living person in the cemetery? He isn't here, He has risen." "Mary.." "Sir? I don't know how you know my name or who I am, but if you could tell me where he is..."
"Mary....." "JESUS...IT"S YOU!...." "Yes..GO and tell the others that I have risen..that I am alive and will be with them soon!"
"Hurry..Martha, come out..I see you hiding in that bush! Hurry, we have great news to share! Our Jesus is Risen! He is alive!!! We have to tell our friends! I told you not to be afraid! We have seen Him and He is alive! Just like He said!!!!!"
Hurry, Brothers, open the door! We have good news to tell...JESUS IS ALIVE..and we will never be the same!"
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