Yep, this week was it, Valentine's Day. I have a "love-hate" relationship with that holiday! It is great to get Valentine cards and flowers and candy, and all that, but it is also no fun to get left out, is it? Being a very blessed person that has a Valentine 365 days a year, I don't worry too much about that one day...but then again....
I tend to think about the people who don't have someone to make them feel special... The people whom getting a little paper card would make all the difference in the world......Like my old friend Charlie Brown...
I guess it comes from a lifetime of working with kids, or having been a "marginal" kid, or worrying about things I can't control, but Charlie Brown sums it up for me. He goes through Halloween and only gets a rock when he "Trick or Treats", then on Valentine's Day the best he gets is a used Valentine on February 15th...poor Charlie.
I also love that way that Charlie Brown wasn't discouraged by the rock or the Valentine. Since he got one Valentine, he was so encouraged that he was working on a bigger briefcase for next year to put all his valentines in.
Its amazing what a little thoughtfulness can do....even if it is a day late......I need to work on this ahead of time next year...A little more encouragement and a little more making someone feel special, and maybe they will need a bigger satchel next year!
"We love, because He first loved us!" 1John 4:19
Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie Brown!
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