The ball drops, and Bam! A new year is here!
I am sure there are more scientific ways to welcome a new year, its just that this is the most tangible and simple way for me.
Maybe it is because it will be my fiftieth, I don't know, but I think of many of my past New Years Eve's and wonder what the future will hold,
I believe, however, that it is better not to know, It is usually better just to wonder.
2011 for example, glad I didn't know it all. I knew some of the things the year would hold, but certainly not others. So thankful for God's hand in our lives. For blessing us with new additions to our family, a new move, a new church family and so many other blessings. I am glad, also, that he was with us, through each goodbye, each hardship, each joy and each sorrow that we didn't know was heading our way.
2012...What will it hold? What will be around the bend. Some things we do know, we know that there will be a new baby with the Hamilton name this year! There are certainly things to look forward to, to fear, to dread...and to embrace.
In looking back, New Year's Eve was always a fun time for me as a child, it was always a joyful time, not a time of fear or anticipation, but as the years have gone by, I find the day to be more of a melancholy time....
..As I sit here this morning, I reflect, and I am reminded that never once have I spent one moment of one day of one year alone.
....He is always with me, holding my right hand (Psalm 73:23)
....He knows every tear we cry! (Psalm 56:8)
....He will do more than we could ever ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20)
....We can be strong and courageous, He will be with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9)
Happy New Year, Acknowledge the pas;, Embrace what God has in store for us!
...I plan to!
Let that ball drop! Happy New Year, Friends!
A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Orange Cinnamon rolls and Merry Christmas!
This was, by far, the most different Christmas my husband and I have experienced in many years.We have had 30 wonderful Christmases together as a young couple in love, as newleyweds, as young parents, busy parents, parents of teenagers, young men, newlyweds, grandparents, and now, empty nesters. We have seen everyone since Thanksgiving, we just have no one home on Christmas day. What on earth to do with ourselves? Hmmm...
We were really at a loss. Some traditions were started when it was just us, some were brought from families of origin, but there is one tiny tradition, that doesn't mean anything to anyone else that we were determined to keep. Orange Cinnamon rolls! They are not from some age old recipe, not even from a mix, but without a can popped on a counter that unveiled that gooey deliciousness, baked for exactly 11 minutes and the orange pouch of frosting melted on them...Let's just say that without them, the "Christmas morning in front of the tree experience" just would never be the same! Obviously, we could still read the Christmas Story from the family bible, and reflect on Christmas, but something of the Davis/Hamilton heritage would be lost without it. And I was afraid it was..
Went to Walmart yesterday, with only one thing on my list..yep, the orange cinnamon rolls, and to my great dismay, they were out! Almost had a melt down in Walmart. Maybe it was all the changes in the past year piling up all at once, or maybe it really was the rolls. I bolted out of Walmart(not easy to do on Christmas Eve), with only a little while to spare before church, sped to the Piggly Wiggly, and that little pink pig saved the day (Always did like him)! Made it to Church on time to sing praises to the one we celebrate....all was right in the world.
We got up this morning, not quite sure what to do with ourselves, sat in front of the tree for a minute, thought about Christmases past, rejoicing for our boys and their new families and traditions they are starting and have had in their own families, and praising God. Even though we felt a little sorry for ourselves, a whiff of orange frosting and a touch of each others hand, let us know that we will carry on...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
We were really at a loss. Some traditions were started when it was just us, some were brought from families of origin, but there is one tiny tradition, that doesn't mean anything to anyone else that we were determined to keep. Orange Cinnamon rolls! They are not from some age old recipe, not even from a mix, but without a can popped on a counter that unveiled that gooey deliciousness, baked for exactly 11 minutes and the orange pouch of frosting melted on them...Let's just say that without them, the "Christmas morning in front of the tree experience" just would never be the same! Obviously, we could still read the Christmas Story from the family bible, and reflect on Christmas, but something of the Davis/Hamilton heritage would be lost without it. And I was afraid it was..
Went to Walmart yesterday, with only one thing on my list..yep, the orange cinnamon rolls, and to my great dismay, they were out! Almost had a melt down in Walmart. Maybe it was all the changes in the past year piling up all at once, or maybe it really was the rolls. I bolted out of Walmart(not easy to do on Christmas Eve), with only a little while to spare before church, sped to the Piggly Wiggly, and that little pink pig saved the day (Always did like him)! Made it to Church on time to sing praises to the one we celebrate....all was right in the world.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
"My finest gift I bring......"
I love the song, "The little Drummer Boy". But it wasn't until I got older that I understood the significance of the story. He gave what he had to the baby... his gift of music, his finest gift!
In a few days, the images of baby Jesus will be back in the box until next year, the Christmas CDs will be back in the cabinet until next year, the presents will be open, the bills will start coming in, and the trees will be in the dump, the river or the attic.
In all the craziness, in the busy-ness, did I stop to think of what gift I would give to the Christ child? A talent, perhaps? A spiritual gift that I needed to share? The gift of Worship, Devotion, Surrender, or Obedience?
Before baby Jesus goes back in to the box, think about it......What gift will you give the baby, the King, the Lord of all?
For it is in the giving of our finest gifts to the King, that we are the ones who are blessed!
In a few days, the images of baby Jesus will be back in the box until next year, the Christmas CDs will be back in the cabinet until next year, the presents will be open, the bills will start coming in, and the trees will be in the dump, the river or the attic.
In all the craziness, in the busy-ness, did I stop to think of what gift I would give to the Christ child? A talent, perhaps? A spiritual gift that I needed to share? The gift of Worship, Devotion, Surrender, or Obedience?
Before baby Jesus goes back in to the box, think about it......What gift will you give the baby, the King, the Lord of all?
For it is in the giving of our finest gifts to the King, that we are the ones who are blessed!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Joy to the world.......
Love that song...the first chord gets your attention and sings of a royal joy...commanding, not begging earth to receive her king! It commands us to sing, and to rejoice.
Christmas is such a time to rejoice..not for our circumstances, good or bad, not for our temporary "joy". I think that after half a century I am finally getting it. When we think of our Savior's birth, we rejoice in the Joy that defines us. The joy in hearts that that baby brought, that ultimately brought our Salvation. The Joy that allows us to rejoice in the Lord always, not just when we feel like it, not just when we are "up", but the Joy that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. The joy that comes from knowing that each day is a gift, that we have the ability to rejoice in all things because we know how the story ends.
This Christmas, I will find Joy in the celebration of His birth,
The smiles of my loved ones,
The quiet moments in front of the tree
The Carols sung loudly and often,
The promises read in scripture
The smiles on children's faces
The comfort that there is more that we can see today
The quiet whisper in the candlelight beckoning us along with Him to "Sleep in Heavenly peace"
.....Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I say rejoice!
Joy to the world, the LORD has come.
Christmas is such a time to rejoice..not for our circumstances, good or bad, not for our temporary "joy". I think that after half a century I am finally getting it. When we think of our Savior's birth, we rejoice in the Joy that defines us. The joy in hearts that that baby brought, that ultimately brought our Salvation. The Joy that allows us to rejoice in the Lord always, not just when we feel like it, not just when we are "up", but the Joy that comes from knowing that this world is not our home. The joy that comes from knowing that each day is a gift, that we have the ability to rejoice in all things because we know how the story ends.
This Christmas, I will find Joy in the celebration of His birth,
The smiles of my loved ones,
The quiet moments in front of the tree
The Carols sung loudly and often,
The promises read in scripture
The smiles on children's faces
The comfort that there is more that we can see today
The quiet whisper in the candlelight beckoning us along with Him to "Sleep in Heavenly peace"
.....Rejoice in the Lord always, Again, I say rejoice!
Joy to the world, the LORD has come.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
'Tis the Season..
'Tis the Season for...
1. Crying a little more
2. Loving a little more
3. Missing our friends a little more
4. Missing our families a whole lot more
5. Loneliness
6. Gratitude
7. Heartache
8. Warm Hearts
9. Parties
10. quiet homes
11. Shopping
12. Wishing we could shop
13. Wrapping
14. Empty stockings
15. Christmas Carols
16. Silent nights
17. Rejoicing
18. Reliving the pain
19. Worship
20. Longing
At Christmas, we feel everything more deeply, Joy, Love, Pain, Sorrow. Peace, Unrest, Gratitude, Want.
Lord, While we are rejoicing in your birth, turn our hearts toward those who need a fresh touch from You. It may even be us, or someone we love so dearly.
Thank you for coming to us in the most humble way, for knowing what life here on earth would be like for us, and for living life with us everyday. Help lift each heart, and let it feel the brush of the angels'wings who sang at your birth. Let that same heart feel the peace of the sleeping infant in the manger.
Let the Peace of Christmas Reign!
1. Crying a little more
2. Loving a little more
3. Missing our friends a little more
4. Missing our families a whole lot more
5. Loneliness
6. Gratitude
7. Heartache
8. Warm Hearts
9. Parties
10. quiet homes
11. Shopping
12. Wishing we could shop
13. Wrapping
14. Empty stockings
15. Christmas Carols
16. Silent nights
17. Rejoicing
18. Reliving the pain
19. Worship
20. Longing
At Christmas, we feel everything more deeply, Joy, Love, Pain, Sorrow. Peace, Unrest, Gratitude, Want.
Lord, While we are rejoicing in your birth, turn our hearts toward those who need a fresh touch from You. It may even be us, or someone we love so dearly.
Thank you for coming to us in the most humble way, for knowing what life here on earth would be like for us, and for living life with us everyday. Help lift each heart, and let it feel the brush of the angels'wings who sang at your birth. Let that same heart feel the peace of the sleeping infant in the manger.
Let the Peace of Christmas Reign!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Usually,When I think of the birth of Jesus I think of a chaotic night ending in a baby's birth and a big crowd at a stable with everyone singing "Hark the herald angels sing" or "Silent night". But this year I have been thinking about Mary and what it must have really been like for her. A young girl, probably scared, not knowing what this would mean for her or Joseph, or the world. The fear of labor, delivery, and in, of all places a stable, not even her own home with her Mama there. To be 13, carrying the salvation of the world. Wow!
I am sure, as the night went on, and the shepherds came, and the innkeepers were there, and the angels started singing, she was filled with wonder. I am sure Joseph was beside her and began to understand. But did she feel it? That thing all of us as mothers have? That sense of immediate protection? Did she stop and think, "Can I just be alone with my husband to count His fingers and toes?" or "Is it safe to let the Shepherds near?" , "Are they clean enough to breathe on the Savior of the world?"
Mary was selected by God to be the Mother of Christ, she may not have felt that way, but on the other hand she was human. My heart aches for her, knowing this child was only hers for a while, knowing He was born to die. What an incredible woman she must have been. What a help mate Joseph must have been. When I look at most nativity scenes, she is looking down at the baby in the manger, from now on, I prefer to think of her holding her baby close, while she can....
"Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild"
I am sure, as the night went on, and the shepherds came, and the innkeepers were there, and the angels started singing, she was filled with wonder. I am sure Joseph was beside her and began to understand. But did she feel it? That thing all of us as mothers have? That sense of immediate protection? Did she stop and think, "Can I just be alone with my husband to count His fingers and toes?" or "Is it safe to let the Shepherds near?" , "Are they clean enough to breathe on the Savior of the world?"
Mary was selected by God to be the Mother of Christ, she may not have felt that way, but on the other hand she was human. My heart aches for her, knowing this child was only hers for a while, knowing He was born to die. What an incredible woman she must have been. What a help mate Joseph must have been. When I look at most nativity scenes, she is looking down at the baby in the manger, from now on, I prefer to think of her holding her baby close, while she can....
"Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild"
Saturday, December 3, 2011
"Every time a bell rings...."
One of the many things I love about the Christmas season is the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life".
There is something so real about the struggles in George's life. Most of us don't live a charmed life, but in reality, most of our lives are not as terrible as we think they are either. I have spent the whole day worrying about something that I cannot change, something that I can't do anything about, and wringing my hands and saying "why me, why me?"
Well, I'll tell you this, I reallly do have a wonderful life, and this one thing isn't going to change that.
I believe that God sends people our way to remind us of that. He gives us old friends, new friends and our families to intervene, to walk beside us, and yes, I do believe, there are angels who watch after us, who keep us from harm. Do they look like Clarence? I doubt it, but then again, I don't look like George, either! Most importantly, we have a Savior who loves us, richly and deeply and cares for us in our darkest hour.
So, Thank you, Lord, for reminding me yet, again, that I do really have a wonderful life!
There is something so real about the struggles in George's life. Most of us don't live a charmed life, but in reality, most of our lives are not as terrible as we think they are either. I have spent the whole day worrying about something that I cannot change, something that I can't do anything about, and wringing my hands and saying "why me, why me?"
Well, I'll tell you this, I reallly do have a wonderful life, and this one thing isn't going to change that.
I believe that God sends people our way to remind us of that. He gives us old friends, new friends and our families to intervene, to walk beside us, and yes, I do believe, there are angels who watch after us, who keep us from harm. Do they look like Clarence? I doubt it, but then again, I don't look like George, either! Most importantly, we have a Savior who loves us, richly and deeply and cares for us in our darkest hour.
So, Thank you, Lord, for reminding me yet, again, that I do really have a wonderful life!
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