I feel like I have spent most of my life doing this. As a teenager and young adult I loved to run, not too many first place wins, but I was always trying to catch up. In my family, as everyone grew taller and got longer legs, I didn't! Yet again...always catching up or trying to get them to turn around. Whether my children turned around or not, I hope they knew there was always a "safe place" behind them .Now, my two speeds are "moderately slow" and "slow". But the view from the rear isn't always a bad thing.
In my foyer is one of my favorite treasures. It is a portrait of my three sons walking down the beach from the rear. It was taken when they were in their late teens and early twenties and it speaks volumes to me. They had left, or were leaving the confines of home, of our influence and were making their own way in the world, and as much as I wanted them to turn around, it wasn't going to happen. Their plans were made, their courses were set, and it was time to rest in God's plan for their lives, Plans to give them a future and a hope! From the rear, I trusted their futures to the One who held them anyway!
When you are walking alongside someone it is very hard to see them, if you walk ahead of them, you can't see them at all. So over time, I learned that the view from the rear is pretty cool... you can see so much. I am learning that its a pretty good view to have. From behind, I see my children holding hands with their spouses, I see my grandchildren running and toddling or being carried by their watchful parents and Aunts and Uncles. I see love and peace abounding in their hearts and lives. Is everything always smooth?? No, but I am learning that it doesn't last long, because each of them has learned the secret about "turning around"... They know that as they travel on, they have a "safe place" behind them, One who will travel with them much farther than I ever will!
Thank you Lord, for the view from the rear!