One definition I heard is that, " a Hero is a person who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way."
I also believe that a Hero is someone who does what is right, without thinking about the personal cost.
Heroes are a different breed, Most of them wouldn't consider themselves heroes at all, and usually don't want attention drawn to themselves for the things they have done.
Here are the people in my life who have made the "short list" for Heroism:
..My Husband. who quietly goes about his life doing the things he is called to do. Not seeking reward or recognition...just following in Faith and Commitment. Each day, I am amazed at your courage and strength.
..My three sons. They are braver and stronger than I will ever be. They are not afraid of the challenges life has to offer. They are kind, considerate men of faith and courage. Their compassion and commitment amaze me every day. They have done so many heroic things that people will never know of, just because they are that way.
...The prayer warriors in my life. The men and women I have been fortunate enough to know who, when prompted to pray for someone really do it. Those people who can hold others up in prayer daily and can hear the whispers of God when he speaks.
..Those who hear of a need and physically do something about it.
...Those who look for ways to build up others.
....Those who love without counting the cost.
For the Heroes in my life who are too many to name...(and who wouldn't want me to, anyway), I love you!