A special place
A porch swing can = Forever!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
He Goes before us....
Even though I am a a positive person, and not one given into despair on a regular basis, life can seem unbearable at times...one of those things that is common to all who walk this life.
Sometimes, I just don't see the way out and wonder if there is any reason to keep holding on, but I am so encouraged by the promises of God given in a beautiful song.
To know that HE has searched me, knows I fail Him and others, to know that even after that, HE goes before me, sheilds my way and one day will receive me to Himself. That makes it possible to get up, dust myself off and face another day..... We are never alone, despite the people and forces in this life that tell us otherwise.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Birthday to You.....
Twenty two years ago! It was a Friday, just like today, a rainy and wet day in Georgia, when two awesome babies were placed in our arms. What an awesome gift from a gracious God!
For the last 22 years we have had the privilege of going from changing diapers, to chasing toddlers, to dressing for t-ball games, to plays, concerts, to football games to proms, to graduations to weddings. It went by just that fast...
But in between were indescribable moments. Moments of indescribable joy. The moments of watching God form you into the amazing men you have become. Men of compassion, men of courage and men of principle.
Men who love their parents, their brother and his family, their wives and their Lord. Thank you for the awesome privilege of being your mom. There are many blessings in this life, some are finite, only for a season, some are a show of status, or a concrete thing that you can see or touch. But the things that last are not always seen, they are felt. They are moments that can not be taken away. That is what parenthood is.. How blessed we are to have had a front row seat in watching you grow into fine men who we are proud to call our sons!
Celebrate your day!
Happy Birthday, Andrew and Caleb!
For the last 22 years we have had the privilege of going from changing diapers, to chasing toddlers, to dressing for t-ball games, to plays, concerts, to football games to proms, to graduations to weddings. It went by just that fast...
But in between were indescribable moments. Moments of indescribable joy. The moments of watching God form you into the amazing men you have become. Men of compassion, men of courage and men of principle.
Men who love their parents, their brother and his family, their wives and their Lord. Thank you for the awesome privilege of being your mom. There are many blessings in this life, some are finite, only for a season, some are a show of status, or a concrete thing that you can see or touch. But the things that last are not always seen, they are felt. They are moments that can not be taken away. That is what parenthood is.. How blessed we are to have had a front row seat in watching you grow into fine men who we are proud to call our sons!
Celebrate your day!
Happy Birthday, Andrew and Caleb!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
September 15th...
You would think after all these years it would be just another day; but it isn't. It is the day that we celebrated my dad's birthday as a family. Wow! He would have been 86 this year. The last birthdays we celebrated together were his 52nd birthday and my 16th. So much has happened since then...both personally and in the world.
In 1978 we had only two friends who had microwaves. Hardly anybody we knew had cable except the same two families. My dad was still enthralled with cassette players! The space shuttle was just a dream that hadn't launched yet, and compact cars were just coming into play.
Personally, there was so much more to know about this man I called "Daddy". I so wish I had gotten past the teenage years, and settled down enough to want know more about his life. He was always eager to share, but as a gentleman, he waited for me to ask. Since I was blessed with 3 sons, I have so many questions for him, like; "what was it like for you at 15, or 18 or 21?", or "How was it for you just starting your life with Mama?" Or, "Are all of us Davis's this way?", "When did you fall in love with Jesus the way that you did ?"or a million other things. I wish we could have had birthdays for him where all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren ( and great, great grandchildren now) could descend on him and shower him with kisses and hugs. He could tell them the age old stories of Pa Ross and the Yellow Fever plague, Princess Tocumtah and about Indians and Speckled Puppies and how to catch rain minnows! A day to see bits of yourself in all of your descendants! Your quiver of arrows would be so full!
Daddy, I know that Birthday Parties don't matter much when you are in the presence of the King, but they do mark something special down here. They are a day, no matter how old you are, and no matter which side of heaven you are on, a day for those of us here to stop, and to remember, and to thank our Creator for taking the time to create and craft in His loving hands, the beautiful one that is you. I love you!
Happy Birthday, Chief
From Your Indian Princess!
In 1978 we had only two friends who had microwaves. Hardly anybody we knew had cable except the same two families. My dad was still enthralled with cassette players! The space shuttle was just a dream that hadn't launched yet, and compact cars were just coming into play.
Personally, there was so much more to know about this man I called "Daddy". I so wish I had gotten past the teenage years, and settled down enough to want know more about his life. He was always eager to share, but as a gentleman, he waited for me to ask. Since I was blessed with 3 sons, I have so many questions for him, like; "what was it like for you at 15, or 18 or 21?", or "How was it for you just starting your life with Mama?" Or, "Are all of us Davis's this way?", "When did you fall in love with Jesus the way that you did ?"or a million other things. I wish we could have had birthdays for him where all of the grandchildren and great grandchildren ( and great, great grandchildren now) could descend on him and shower him with kisses and hugs. He could tell them the age old stories of Pa Ross and the Yellow Fever plague, Princess Tocumtah and about Indians and Speckled Puppies and how to catch rain minnows! A day to see bits of yourself in all of your descendants! Your quiver of arrows would be so full!
Daddy, I know that Birthday Parties don't matter much when you are in the presence of the King, but they do mark something special down here. They are a day, no matter how old you are, and no matter which side of heaven you are on, a day for those of us here to stop, and to remember, and to thank our Creator for taking the time to create and craft in His loving hands, the beautiful one that is you. I love you!
Happy Birthday, Chief
From Your Indian Princess!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A new way home...."By the side of the road, part 2"
I have a new way home now. A few months ago I posted ponderings from my perspective of life along my commute every day. I am so glad that the trek to my center takes me through a rural area. Along the way, I see marsh lands, a bay, a beautiful creek, cotton fields, old houses, beautiful boats, sprawling live oak and magnolia trees, and even a polo field. There are homes of affluence, homes of poverty and homes in between.
Yesterday, I saw a hot air balloon rising up out of nowhere! How Cool! I saw the blue bow on a mailbox and prayed for the family and the baby. My heart is ready to attach myself to the familiar sights and places that I will see every day.
Lord, protect these people I pass by on the side of the road. Give the farmers good cotton and peanuts, keep the trees upright through the storms, bring peace to the homes and families, give the hot air balloons safe-landing, fishermen good catches, pleasure boaters fair winds and seas, and safety to all who travel.
Thank you Lord, for the beauty in the ordinary, yet again.
Yesterday, I saw a hot air balloon rising up out of nowhere! How Cool! I saw the blue bow on a mailbox and prayed for the family and the baby. My heart is ready to attach myself to the familiar sights and places that I will see every day.
Lord, protect these people I pass by on the side of the road. Give the farmers good cotton and peanuts, keep the trees upright through the storms, bring peace to the homes and families, give the hot air balloons safe-landing, fishermen good catches, pleasure boaters fair winds and seas, and safety to all who travel.
Thank you Lord, for the beauty in the ordinary, yet again.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
He Sings over us!
I have some books that I read over and over, and this morning I found a quote from one that just melted my heart in the same way that summer is melting away into Fall. We all often get so tired and weary and feel that we are traveling this road alone, or by the "skin of our teeth", but the reality is so far from the truth.
Let these words sink in:
"God was pleased to make you His own. Pleased! He didn't just feel sorry for you. He wasn't obligated to you. He chose you because He delights in you. You were never meant to get through this life by the "skin of your teeth". You were meant to fourish in the love and acceptance of Almighty Jehovah. When He sings over you, dance!" --Beth Moore, Praying God's Word
"The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Have a great and glorious Saturday My Friends, and remember, the Lord is singing over you...So Dance!
Let these words sink in:
"God was pleased to make you His own. Pleased! He didn't just feel sorry for you. He wasn't obligated to you. He chose you because He delights in you. You were never meant to get through this life by the "skin of your teeth". You were meant to fourish in the love and acceptance of Almighty Jehovah. When He sings over you, dance!" --Beth Moore, Praying God's Word
"The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Have a great and glorious Saturday My Friends, and remember, the Lord is singing over you...So Dance!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A hint of fall.....
Everyone has their favorite time of year. Mine happens to be Fall. I love this time of year, I like fall leaves, fall decorations, especially fall temperatures, school starting back, the smell of apples and pumpkins, and one more, very special reason....LOVE!
Today, was the first hint of that wonderful season down here in South Alabama! No matter how pooped you are, a crisp morning can really cheer you up in a big way! There's no way it will last for more than a few days, so I will enjoy it for now!
The first crisp morning every year also takes me back to that day many years ago when I fell in love! there were bales of Hay, pumpkins, music, laughter, and the smell of apple cider. There was a stirring in my heart that said, "this is the one", and just the hint of a smile that let me know that it could be so.
So, while the leaves have yet to turn, and the hay bales and pumpkins aren't on the street corners and front porches yet; my heart is stirring, and I eagerly anticipate reveling in this wonderful season (no matter how short it may be in our part of the world). I will enjoy God's palette of greens, browns, oranges, golds and crimsons, the cool air, and the reminder that that a prayer was answered on a cool October night, and whisper a grateful "Thank you"!
Happy Fall!
Today, was the first hint of that wonderful season down here in South Alabama! No matter how pooped you are, a crisp morning can really cheer you up in a big way! There's no way it will last for more than a few days, so I will enjoy it for now!
The first crisp morning every year also takes me back to that day many years ago when I fell in love! there were bales of Hay, pumpkins, music, laughter, and the smell of apple cider. There was a stirring in my heart that said, "this is the one", and just the hint of a smile that let me know that it could be so.
So, while the leaves have yet to turn, and the hay bales and pumpkins aren't on the street corners and front porches yet; my heart is stirring, and I eagerly anticipate reveling in this wonderful season (no matter how short it may be in our part of the world). I will enjoy God's palette of greens, browns, oranges, golds and crimsons, the cool air, and the reminder that that a prayer was answered on a cool October night, and whisper a grateful "Thank you"!
Happy Fall!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs
One of my children's favorite books was entitled, Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. It was an adorable, fascinating and a little bit frightening tale of a town named "Chewandswallow" that received all of it's food from the sky. For example; breakfast would be a rain of OJ, followed by a plate of pancakes and sausage that fell down from above for breakfast. And each meal would follow suit. What a great concept, just walk outside with a fork and spoon and "Presto", there goes supper. Everything went great, till the weather went wrong. You got "tomato tornadoes" and "Pea soup fog", and a "salt and pepper fog", and everyone had to evacuate!
I say all of this to say, that it rained buckets and buckets today. There is a topical depression somewhere offshore and we are getting wet. I didn't bring my lunch to work, and was thinking that I didn't want to go get something, so..I was musing about how convenient that would be...just hold out the plate, huh?
Well, I guess that last time that really happened was when the Israelites got Manna from God. They were also pretty good whiners like I can be. I wonder if they ever thought, "God, I really don't want to go outside and get my manna today, can you just set it inside the door?" Pretty obnoxious, huh? Well, I can be too.
I am really fortunate to be safe, dry, obviously well fed, and have the ability to have a meal...
So, Thank you Lord for rainy day reminders. It's really not so bad to splash in a puddle and look up at the sky! ...and isn't that rain cloud shaped a little like a chicken leg??
I say all of this to say, that it rained buckets and buckets today. There is a topical depression somewhere offshore and we are getting wet. I didn't bring my lunch to work, and was thinking that I didn't want to go get something, so..I was musing about how convenient that would be...just hold out the plate, huh?
Well, I guess that last time that really happened was when the Israelites got Manna from God. They were also pretty good whiners like I can be. I wonder if they ever thought, "God, I really don't want to go outside and get my manna today, can you just set it inside the door?" Pretty obnoxious, huh? Well, I can be too.
I am really fortunate to be safe, dry, obviously well fed, and have the ability to have a meal...
So, Thank you Lord for rainy day reminders. It's really not so bad to splash in a puddle and look up at the sky! ...and isn't that rain cloud shaped a little like a chicken leg??
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